Lennart Käll new President of Wasa Kredit

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Lennart Käll has been appointed the new President of Wasa Kredit, which is a finance company in the Länsförsäkringar Alliance. Wasa Kredit conducts leasing and instalment operations and unsecured lending. Lennart Käll will take office in the late autumn and will replace Olof Stjernberg who will retire.

“Wasa Kredit has an important role in Länsförsäkringar’s banking operations and its strong growth ambitions in private, corporate and agricultural customers. Wasa Kredit’s products and services will be a natural part of Länsförsäkringar’s total customer offering in the future,” says Mats Ericsson, President of Länsförsäkringar Bank.

“In Lennart Käll, we have found a leader who is highly suitable for advancing Wasa Kredit in this development phase. Lennart has extensive knowledge of the operations and combines this know-how with an interest in local business, sales and change processes,” continues Mats Ericsson.

“It feels like I have come home. After several years in the travel industry, I am returning to an industry that I have worked in for slightly more than 20 years. I became highly familiar with the operations during this time and I have always admired what Länsförsäkringar stands for. In recent years, I have held a few Board assignments in the Alliance and now I have the opportunity to work full time with what I have come to value highly. It will be tremendously enjoyable and stimulating,” says Lennart Käll.

Lennart Käll was born in 1958, holds a Master of Business Administration and has been the President and CEO of Ticket Travel Group since 2003. Between 1995 and 1997, Lennart was the President of TryggFinans, 1997-2001 President of SEB Finans and 2001-2003 President of ICA Banken.

Wasa Kredit is a subsidiary of Länsförsäkringar Bank. Lending amounted to approximately SEK 9 billion. Operating profit in 2008 totalled SEK 106 M. Lennart will be a member of the management team of the Banking business unit at Länsförsäkringar AB.

For further information, please contact:

Mats Ericsson, President, Länsförsäkringar Bank AB
Phone: +46 (0)8-588 409 63, +46 (0)73-96 409 63
E-mail: mats.ericsson@lansforsakringar.se

Christer Baldhagen, Director of Corporate Communications Länsförsäkringar AB
Phone: +46 8-588 415 01, +46 70-579 70 66
E-mail: christer.baldhagen@lansforsakringar.se
