Over 300 cyclists take to the streets of Southampton for charity

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International seafarers in need to benefit from Deloitte and Sailors’ Society Cycle

The normal Sunday morning streets of Southampton were transformed into a cycle hub of semi-serious amateurs and families enjoying a pleasant jaunt, for the very first Deloitte and Sailors’ Society Cycle last weekend.

The event started and finished in Mayflower Park, where numerous attractions such as Get Cycling’s weird and wonderful array of bicycles kept supporters and spectators entertained.

Local sailor Geoff Holt who had overcome his disabilities to sail solo round Great Britain, Harlequins rugby star Peter Bracken, and the Mayor of Southampton Councillor Brian Parnell were all on hand to cheer on the participants and present awards.

Keen sailor Mandy Parker completed the 45 mile route and collected over £300 in sponsorship. She won a year’s free gym membership at Spirit Health Club in Southampton and was presented an award for Highest Individual Fundraiser by Geoff Holt.

BP Shipping’s ‘Beyond Pedalling’ team picked up the award for Highest Corporate Fundraising Team, raising an incredible £2,130.

There was also a prize draw for participants who raised £100 or more; lucky winner David Clinton, who also completed the 45 mile route, picked up a holiday for six, courtesy of Hoburne Holidays.

300 cyclists took part in the main event, choosing from 10, 25 or 45 mile routes in and around Southampton. There was also a special route, courtesy of ABP, where cyclists could travel through parts of Southampton Docks not normally open to the public, taking in great views from Dock Head across the Solent.

Sailors’ Society Events Fundraiser Vicky Macleod said: “It was a fantastic day and thankfully the sun shone for us! We’ve had some great feedback and hope that everyone enjoyed them selves, whether they participated or enjoyed the free entertainment at Mayflower Park.

“We have yet to count up all the donations but thank everyone for their efforts in gaining sponsorship as well as taking part in the event. We encourage all sponsorship to be with us by the end of May so a final total can be collated.”

She added: “Sailors’ Society would like to thank everyone who contributed to making the day so successful. We had a wonderful group of dedicated volunteers marshalling the route, chatting to cyclists and generally cheering them on. Several cyclists said that this extra encouragement was vital especially as they neared the end of their rides. The money raised will go towards supporting seafarers around the world, particularly in times of need, but also to help them to make contact with their families after many months at sea.”


Words: 381



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