Portsmouth Chamber & Woolworths event draws 140 business leaders - and a student from Stockport

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Woolworths shares unique information to help region’s economic growth

Members of all three Hampshire Chambers of Commerce were treated to a unique look inside the workings of the new Woolworths this week. The Woolworths' brand was acquired in February 2009 by Shop Direct and the company’s Group Strategy & Business Development Director Anita Balchandani, gave Chamber members a Masterclass in how the much-loved brand was re-launched on the Web just four months after the purchase. Business Leaders were encouraged by the Chamber to adapt the lessons learned and apply them in their own businesses whether on- or off-line. When Stephanie Emsley from Stockport University found details promoting the event on Google, she persuaded her father Michael to drive her down to take part. Stephanie, who is writing her dissertation on Woolworths, was delighted to be able to question Anita after the event. “The 400-mile round-trip will have been well worth it by the time I get back,” she said, adding:“The quality of the information I can now include in the 12,000 words I am writing is unique, and will hopefully make a difference to my results.” Chief Executive of Portsmouth & SE Hants Chamber of Commerce Maureen Frost said: “We are very grateful to Anita Balchandani for a superb presentation, and to Shop Direct for allowing our members this unique insight into the way a larger retail organisation operates in today’s marketplace. I would also thank our Vice President Lizz Clarke of Logical Creative Marketing for coming up with the idea of inviting Woolworths down, and for helping us to make it happen.” -Ends- Words: 254

