Support the ‘invisible workforce’ this Christmas, urges Sailors’ Society

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Date: 20.11.09 Support the ‘invisible workforce’ this Christmas, urges Sailors’ Society Seafarers are ‘bringing Christmas’ through pirate-patrolled waters International seafaring charity Sailors’ Society is urging Christmas shoppers to support the ‘invisible workforce’ this festive season– for it is the 1.2m seafarers worldwide who effectively bring 95% of Christmas to our shores. Sailors’ Society Director of Fundraising and Marketing Jan Webber explained: “From October onwards the work of bringing presents, foods, decorations and luxury items to our shores really takes hold. 95% of goods are delivered by sea. This year, of course, the issue of piracy is in the public eye as never before. It is not a new problem sadly, but it does highlight the dangerous nature of seafarers’ work as well as bringing the world’s attention to the isolation they experience and the long-term separation from their families.” She continued ‘some of you may have watched “Around the World in Eighty Days” in aid of BBC Children in Need, and learnt about the isolation felt by seafarers and the dangers they face on a daily basis. I urge you not to forget them.’ It was only a few months ago that the charity’s Port Chaplain in the Ukraine Eduard Myrmyr was supporting the devastated family of Sergey Vartenkov’s after the seafarer was tragically murdered by pirates off the coast of Somalia. Vertenkov was a welder on board the MV Marathon and was killed as the pirates fired indiscriminately into the hold where the crew were being held hostage. Jan Webber added: “The Sailors’ Society refers to the seafaring community as the ‘invisible workforce’, as often consumers are unaware of the danger, hardship and isolation faced by our merchant seafarers. Seafarers are often away from their families for months on end, particularly at this time of year, and this enables us to enjoy special food and gifts during the festive season.” The Sailors’ Society’s worldwide network of Port Chaplains helps to spread cheer to seafarers by providing small gifts such as woolly hats and phone cards – essential items when seafarers are often hundreds of miles away from home and ill-prepared for foreign climates in the bleak winter months. The gifts are donated by supporters through individual contributions and campaigns such as the Society’s ‘Woolly Hat Week’. An army of volunteers then packs up the goods and sends them to the 100 ports in 30 countries where the Sailors’ Society operates, for further distribution to seafarers. Jan Webber added: “The gifts are always gratefully received; sometimes the smallest act of kindness brings the biggest smiles.” For more information about the Sailors’ Society and to make a donation log on to, or send your donation to Sailors’ Society, 350 Shirley Road, Southampton, SO15 3HY. Credit Card donations can also be taken over the phone. Please support the Sailors’ Society’s work today. Ends Words: 391 Notes to Editors: The Sailors’ Society is an international charity that provides a personal lifeline for seafarers throughout the world. Existing to enrich and enhance the well-being of the world’s 1.2 million seafarers, the charity offers practical help, emotional and spiritual support and, when in dire need, financial assistance and family liaison through our Port Chaplains and Seafarers’ Centres. Our Port Chaplains visit thousands of ships every year, directly addressing the needs of seafarers - irrespective of a person’s belief or nationality - as well as maintaining vital links within the Ports that they operate. For more information, please visit, or contact Debbie Osborne at Logical Creative Marketing on: 0845 345 69 69 or email: