Annual General Meeting of Loomis AB (publ)

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At today's Annual General Meeting of Loomis AB (publ) the following was resolved:

Board of Directors
The Annual General Meeting resolved that the number of Board members shall be six with no deputy members. The Meeting re-elected Jacob Palmstierna, Lars Blecko, Alf Göransson, Ulrik Svensson and Jan Svensson and elected the new Board member Marie Ehrling. Alf Göransson was elected Chairman of the Board. The fee to the Board members was determined to SEK 1,450,000 in total (including fees for committee work) apportioned so that the Chairman of the Board shall receive SEK 400,000 and the other Board members, except for the President, SEK 200,000 each. The Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee shall receive SEK 100,000, the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee SEK 75,000, a member of the Audit and Risk Committee SEK 50,000 and a member of the Remuneration Committee SEK 25,000.

Nomination Committee
The Meeting re-elected Gustaf Douglas (Investment AB Latour, etc.), Marianne Nilsson (Swedbank Robur), Mats Tunér (SEB Fonder) and Mikael Ekdahl (Melker Schörling AB) and new elected Magnus Landare (Alecta) as members of the Nomination Committee before the Annual General Meeting 2010. Gustaf Douglas was appointed Chairman of the Committee.

In accordance with the proposal of the Board, the Meeting resolved to declare a dividend of SEK 2.25 per share.

April 24, 2009 was determined as record date for dividend and payment from Euroclear Sweden AB (previously VPC AB) is expected to commence on April 29, 2009.

Guidelines for remuneration to management
The Annual General Meeting resolved on the adoption of guidelines for remuneration to management, principally entailing that the remuneration and other terms of employment shall be competitive and in accordance with market conditions, in order to ensure that the Loomis Group will be able to attract and keep competent management employees. The guidelines principally entail that the total remuneration to management shall consist of fixed salary, possible variable remuneration and other customary benefits and pension. The variable remuneration shall be restricted and based on predetermined targets. Pension rights for management employees shall be applicable as from the age of 65 at the earliest. All group management employees shall be comprised by fee-based pension plans. The Board shall be entitled to deviate from the guidelines in individual cases if there are particular grounds for such deviation. The complete guidelines are published on the company website.

Amendment of the Articles of Association

In order to prepare for a future simplified notice procedure, the Annual General Meeting resolved that paragraph 7 in the Articles of Association regarding notice of General Meetings shall have the following new wording: Notices convening General Meetings shall be given by announcement in the newspaper Post- och Inrikes Tidningar (the Swedish Official Gazette) and on the company’s website. It shall be announced in Svenska Dagbladet that notice of a General Meeting has been given.

The Annual General Meeting further resolved that the resolution according to the above shall be subject to the entering into force of an amendment regarding notice of general meetings in the Swedish Companies Act (SFS 2005:551), to the effect that the proposed wording is consistent with the Swedish Companies Act.

CEO comments
In his AGM speech CEO Lars Blecko said that the operating income 2008 of 748 M SEK resulted in an operating margin of 6.6 percent, an important step towards one of the Group’s financial targets of obtaining an operating margin of 8 percent no later than 2010. Even if the objective was fulfilled in the European operations during 2008 it was not sufficient in order for the Group as a whole to reach this objective, he stated. As important contributions to the improvements in Europe Lars Blecko pointed to cost cuttings and enhanced efficiency in a number of countries.

He also commented on the first quarter results for 2009 which shows an improvement of 44 M SEK compared to the corresponding period previous year, an increased operating margin from 5.3 to 5.8 percent.

-The increased operating margin is mainly due to improved results in our US operations where continuous work to raise margins in loss-making branches and the elimination of indirect costs has been successful, Lars Blecko said.

He expects that the ongoing restructuring within the US operations, aiming at strengthening focus at the branch offices, will lead to further result improvements.

Lars Blecko also expressed his satisfaction that 77 top level managers invested more than 20 M SEK in Loomis AB during February through purchase of sub-scription warrants in the company at conditions in tune with the market.

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