Press Release: Manchester-based Infection Specialists to Send Aid to Haiti

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January 15, 2009 For Immediate Release

A revolutionary new infection prevention product is to be sent to Haiti to assist with the massive relief effort in the devastated country. Byotrol, manufactures of a disinfectant many times more effective than bleach, was deployed in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina where it proved to be uniquely able to prevent infection during the long-term recovery, due to its ability to remain effective on hard surfaces for days and even weeks. After talks with the Foreign Office, the Department for International Development and the Disaster Emergency Committee, Byotrol have pledged a significant amount of their ground-breaking technology to prevent infection spreading across the island as thousands of corpses line the street in the wake of the recent earthquake. Byotrol Chief Executive, David McRobbie, says “I’m proud to be able to offer practical and meaningful assistance to the people of Haiti at such a tragic time. The scenes reaching us here in the UK are heartbreaking and we must all do whatever we can to help. Byotrol has proved to be incredibly successful in preventing the spread of disease and infection in the wake of natural disasters and in high care areas, and we will help in any way we can.” Byotrol have made their product available through Global Hands, a charity that places material donations with relevant aid agencies. Scientists are carrying out emergency testing over the weekend to confirm what they suspect; that concentrated Byotrol technology can be made up with sea water – thus saving valuable drinking water at a time when major sanitation problems are taking their toll. ENDS For enquiries contact Christian May on 07876708262 or

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