Metsä Tissue's sales down but the overall performance improved during 2009 first quarter

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Metsä Tissue's sales down but the overall performance improved during 2009
first quarter

The sales of Metsä Tissue, a supplier of tissue and cooking papers, totalled
EUR 218 million (230) and operating profit EUR 19 million (9). During the first
quarter of 2009, sales dropped by about five per cent over the previous year.
The reduction in sales resulted from lower sales volumes (-3%) and exchange
rate fluctuations (-2%). 

The sales of company's own brands increased by three per cent over the previous
year. The operating profit grew by EUR 10 million. Both the efficiency
improvement projects and decreased raw material costs contributed to the
improved operating profit. Fluctuations in exchange rates, especially the
weaker Swedish crown and UK pound, had a negative impact on sales and operating

Metsä Tissue launched the Lambi Limited Collection concept in Scandinavia, the
Baltic countries, Eastern Europe and Russia. The design patterned household and
toilet papers continued to strengthen Lambi's position in the highest quality
segment of tissue papers. In addition to consumers, the concept has also
aroused interest among the trade and in the media. 

The logo and packaging of the Tento brand were renewed. Three product
categories - Eko, Classic and Feel Good - were established for the brand, and a
new Tento Herbal Sensitive product was launched in the Feel Good category. 

The Katrin brand launched new product solutions: the Katrin Hand Care
Programme, especially designed for the workplace, and the Katrin specialty
wipes for industrial cleaning, polishing and wiping. 

The construction project resulting from the fire at the finished goods
warehouses at the Zilina mill a year ago was completed. The new and more
efficient premises were inaugurated. 

During the first quarter, a job satisfaction survey was carried out at Metsä
Tissue. On the basis of the survey outcome, regional action plans will be drawn

The current economic crises has not significantly affected the demand for
tissue and cooking papers. The growth has, however, slowed down in developing
markets, in particular. The rapidly decreasing raw material costs seem to have
reached their bottom during the first quarter of the year. 

Metsä Tissue will continue to invest in product development and its own brands
and aims to increase their sales. Furthermore, private labels will be supported
by innovative campaign products. Enhancing the efficiency of business and
production will also be continued, as will the development of business
operations in Eastern Europe. 

Metsä Tissue                          QI/09    QI/08        QI-IV/08
Sales                                  218       230             930
EBITDA                                  29        25              98
- ” -, excl. non-recurring items        29        25              99
Depreciation and impairment            -10       -16             -56
Operating result                        19         9              42
- ” -, excl. non-recurring items        19         9              44
Investments                              4         3              33
Personnel at end of period           3 204     3 284           3 222
