Metsäliitto limits production at all of its sawmills

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Metsäliitto Group Stock Exchange Release 28 May 2009 at 12.00 noon

Metsäliitto is continuing its efforts to improve the profitability of
sawmill operations and has started the statutory labour negotiations
at all of its sawmills regarding the limitation of production.

"The demand for sawmill products has remained low, and sawing with
these prices of sawn timber is very unprofitable. As timber with
competitive prices in comparison to market prices is not yet
sufficiently available, we must be prepared to adjust our production
to lower volumes to improve profitability," says Ole Salvén, Group
Executive Vice President, Metsäliitto Wood Products Industry.

"In Metsäliitto, we have sought the balance between competitively
priced logs and the amount of sawmill production for the whole
beginning of the year. Metsäliitto Wood Supply has been very active
in purchasing log timber and has achieved a very high market share.
Unfortunately, the volume of timber trade has not been sufficient -
especially with logs it should now become more lively," says Juha
Mäntylä, Group Executive Vice President, Metsäliitto Wood Supply.

The notice concerning negotiations covers a total of 380 employees.
Possible temporary layoffs are planned and will be realised as
extensions to summer holidays, and, if necessary, later this year
lasting a maximum of 90 days.

"We have adjusted production at all of our sawmills for a long time.
We are constantly monitoring the development of the market situation
and business environment, and the need for temporary layoffs in the
future will also be estimated according to the situation," says

Additional information:
Ole Salvén, Group Executive Vice President, Metsäliitto Wood Products
Industry, tel. 010 465 4870
Juha Mäntylä, Group Executive Vice President, Metsäliitto Wood
Supply, tel. 010 465 4244
Päivi Kauhanen, Metsäliitto Group communications, tel. +358 50 598
