Metsäliitto prepares to adjust its sawmill operations (26 November 2009)

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Metsäliitto Wood Products Industry will launch negotiations under the
Co-operation Act at all of its operational sawmills in Finland. The
negotiations will address a plan for restricting production at the sawmills
when necessary with temporary layoffs of up to 90 days until the end of June
The notice concerning negotiations covers a total of about 450 employees at six
"The market situation and operational environment in the sawmill industry
continue to be challenging," says Ole Salvén, Group Executive Vice President of
Metsäliitto Wood Products Industry. "With possible production restrictions, we
aim, when necessary, to prepare for a shortage of wood raw material with a
competitive price, as well as for changes taking place in the market situation
of sawn timber." 
Metsäliitto Wood Product Industry's sawmills have executed production
restrictions throughout the year. Operations at the Kyröskoski and Karihaara
sawmills were already previously suspended until further notice. 
Metsäliitto's sawmills are located in Hämeenkyrö, Kannus, Kemi, Lappeenranta,
Merikarvia, Pöytyä, Renko and Vilppula. Their combined capacity is about 2.2
million cubic metres of spruce and pine sawn timber and processed products. 
More information:
Ole Salvén, Group Executive Vice President, tel. +358 10 465 4870
Satu Holm-Jumppanen, Communication Manager, tel. +358 10 465 4684
