Preliminary information on Metsäliitto Group's result for the last quarter of 2009

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Metsäliitto Group Stock Exchange release 18 January 2010 at 9.30 am
Preliminary information on Metsäliitto Group's result for the last quarter of

Based on preliminary information, Metsäliitto Group's sales in 2009 were
approximately EUR 1,200 million (July-September 2009: EUR 1 155 million). The
estimated operating result excluding non-recurring items amounted to EUR 35
million (July-September 2009: EUR 9 million).

In connection with the announcement of its third quarter results of 2009 on 22
October 2009, Metsäliitto expected that for seasonal reasons, the operating
result excluding non-recurring items for the final quarter of the year to fall
below third quarter levels. The improvement of the estimated operating result
was affected by the pulp price developing more favourably than forecasted,
improved mill utilisation rates, and the internal profit improvement measures.

Annual sales in 2009 were approximately EUR 4,850 million (January-December
2008: EUR 6,434 million). The estimated operating result excluding non-recurring
items amounted to EUR -84 million (45).

For the final quarter of 2009, Metsäliitto Group will book an estimated total of
EUR -27 million of non-recurring items affecting the operating result:
- EUR 195 million profit related to Metsä-Botnia's ownership arrangements
- EUR 113 million impairment loss (IAS 36) in M-real
- EUR 73 million cost provisions and write offs related to M-real's action plans
announced in December 2009
- EUR 21 million expense item incurred by a cartel fine imposed by the Finnish
Market Court
- EUR 7 million of other cost provisions of M-real
- EUR 8 million of other cost provisions and write offs

More information:
Hannu Anttila, acting CFO, Executive Vice President, Strategy, tel. +358
10 465 5111
Anne-Mari Achrén, Group CCO, tel. +358 10 465 4541
