Outotec participates in the Baltic Sea Action Summit project

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Outotec participates in the Baltic Sea Action Summit project

Outotec participates in the Baltic Sea Action Summit project, which was launched by President of the Republic of Finland Tarja Halonen, Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen and Chairman of the Baltic Sea Action Group Ilkka Herlin on May 19, 2009.

The most visible part of the joint initiative is the Baltic Sea Action Summit, which will pull together the strength of heads of state, companies and key civil actors around the Baltic Sea. The Summit will be held in February 2010 in Helsinki. Each participant will commit to a concrete act to the benefit of the Baltic Sea. Outotec commits to raising the awareness of clean production methods and enhancing their use in the Baltic Sea region.

As part of its commitment for a healthier Baltic Sea, Outotec will focus on minimizing metal-containing dusts and sulfur dioxide emissions of the metals industry as well as on reducing metal-containing effluents. Furthermore, Outotec will bring in its expertise in symposiums focusing on environmentally sound processing methods in the metals and energy industries. First such event will be the International Oil Shale Symposium in Tallinn, Estonia in June 2009. Outotec is one of the main sponsors of the Symposium and will present new oil shale processing technology meeting EU's criteria for Best Available Techniques (BAT).

"Sustainable technology is our core principle. Participation in the Baltic Sea Action Summit is a natural step for Outotec and it fits well to our company values. Nearly two thirds of Outotec's technologies qualify as Environmental Goods and Services by OECD definition, and another third can be regarded as EGS depending on their application. We are grateful for the opportunity to participate in this important joint effort to rescue the Baltic Sea. Our actions target to prevent or minimize environmental damage to water, air and soil and ultimately to a healthier Baltic Sea," says Mr. Tapani Järvinen, CEO of Outotec.

Outotec's business is to develop and deliver environmentally sound technologies and services for the mining and metallurgical industries. The company's expertise is also applied in other process industries, such as energy and fertilizer industries as well as in industrial water treatment.   

For further information please contact:


Kari Knuutila, Chief Technology Officer
tel. +358 20 529 2009, +358 40 779 9566
e-mail kari.knuutila(at)outotec.com

Eila Paatela, Vice President - Corporate Communications
tel. +358 20 529 2004, +358 400 817198
e-mail eila.paatela(at)outotec.com

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