Notice of Annual General Meeting in DiaGenic ASA

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The shareholders of DiaGenic ASA are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting on 4th June at 2 p.m. (venue: DiaGenic ASA, Grenseveien 92, Oslo). The agenda comprises election of Board of Directors (matter 9): The Nomination committee proposes re-election of Håkon Sæterøy as chairman of the board and Ingrid Alfheim, Gustav Ingemar Kihlström and Praveen Sharma as board members. The committee nominates Mina Blair and Maria Holmlund as new board members. Maria Holmlund (1956) lives in Sweden and is Business Area Mananger in Phadia AB. Holmlund has experience from several leading positions within diagnostic companies, among others Pharmacia Diagnostics, Roche Diagnostics and Boehringer Mannheim. Mina Blair (1965) lives in England and has been working 9 years within AstraZeneca where she was Investor Relations Director until January 2009. She has developed a substantial competence within the pharmaceutical industry, and has built up a very good network among international health investors and analysts. Another important matter on the agenda is the proposal to authorize the board of directors to issue up to 10 million new shares (matter 10): DiaGenic is now in the final negotiations with UK investment banks regarding the engagement as financial adviser/corporate broker primarily in the UK. When a London adviser is selected, the board of directors plans to initiate the fundraising to secure the financing of the activities of the company for a period of at least one year. Agenda: 1. Opening of the annual general meeting by the chairman 2. Presentation of list of participating shareholders and attorneys 3. Appointment of a chairman and a person to co-sign the minutes 4. Approval of the notice to the annual general meeting and the proposed agenda 5. Approval of annual accounts and the Directors’ report for 2008 6. Approval of Statement from the board of directors regarding salary and other remuneration to the management 7. Approval of auditor's fee 8. Approval of remuneration to the Board of Directors 9. Election of Board of Directors 10. Proposal to authorize the board of directors to conduct capital increases by way of share issue 11. Approval of remuneration to the Nomination committee 12. Election of members to the Nomination committee Shareholders who are not able to participate in the general meeting may be represented by an attorney. In such case a written and dated power of attorney must be presented. The enclosed form may be used for this. If desired, the power of attorney may be given to the chairman of the board of directors. If such power of attorney is given, the form should be forwarded to DiaGenic ASA (e-mail or fax no. +47 2324 8959) no later than 3 June. As enclosures to the notice are proposals for resolutions in matters 5-12 and form of power of attorney. The annual accounts, the Director’s report and the auditor's statement are enclosed in the Annual Report which is sent to the shareholders, and sent to Oslo Stock Exchange in a notice of 30 April. The notice and enclosures are also available on the company's internet pages: Oslo, 20 May 2009 On behalf of the board of directors in DiaGenic ASA Håkon Sæterøy Chairman


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