Ruling in favor of Telio in the ecom court trial

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Telio has today been informed about the verdict of the Borgarting Court of Appeal in the ecom case between Telio Telecom AS and Telio SA on one hand, and the Ministry of Transportation and Communication on the other. The verdict states that the Ministry of Transportation and Communication’s appeal has been dismissed. This implies that the Borgarting Court of Appeal agrees with the Oslo District Court that the resolution of the Norwegian Post and Telecommunications Authority that Telio SA is liable for ecom fee is repealed as invalid. It was ruled that the Ministry of Transportation and Communication shall pay legal costs to Telio Telecom AS and Telio SA of NOK 395.475. The deadline for filing an appeal with the Supreme Court is 30 days from the announcement of the verdict. Contact: Erik Osmundsen, Chairman of the Board, Telio Holding ASA, +47 9154 7885