Notice of annual general meeting in ODIM ASA

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Date/Time: 25 May 2009, 9.30 am
Place: Company’s head office 6063 Hjørungavåg.

1. Opening of the meeting by the chairman of the Board, hereunder registration of attending shareholders
2. Appointment of chairman of the meeting and one person to co-sign the minutes
3. Approval of the notice to the meeting and the agenda
4. Approval of financial statements and annual report for 2008 of ODIM ASA and the group, including the distribution of dividend.
5. Approval of the Boards' guidelines for remuneration of the members of the executive management, cf. the Norwegian Public Limited Companies Act § 6-16a
6. Approval of remuneration to the Board of Directors
7. Adoption of the auditor's remuneration for the accounting year 2008
8. Election of the Board
9. Power of attorney to the Board - acquisition of company's own shares
10. Power of attorney to the Board – to increase the company’s share capital
11. Changes to the Articles of Association to implement an nomination committee for the company
12. Election of members to the Nomination Committee and the Committee chairman

Hjørungavåg, 30 April, 2009

Yours sincerely
The Board of Directors of ODIM ASA

Karl Erik Kjelstad

Please find attached complete Notice of Annual General Meeting in ODIM ASA, the attendance ballot and the Annual Report 2008. The attachments will also be made available on the company's webpage,