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  • op5 Appoints International IT Profiles to Join the Board of Directors

op5 Appoints International IT Profiles to Join the Board of Directors

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The leading Open Source Management Company op5 that  compete with big companies like IBM, HP, CA and Microsoft has strengthen its board with three IT profiles, Anders Harrysson, President Central & North Europe, Sun Microsystems and Rune Hurtig, Founder and former CEO of Transmode and Joachim Karlsson from KTH Chalmers Capital. We are very happy to be able to present the new members to our already strong board member lineup. op5 develop, sells and supports software for network monitoring based on open source.  op5 is steadily increasing its international presence and has sales partners in 14 countries.

Anders Harrysson, is now taking place on the op5 board bringing over 20 years of international experience from the IT industry. Anders started his career with research at the prestigious Stanford University, followed by14 years with the computer giant IBM. Anders Harrysson is since several years President Central & North Europe, Sun Microsystems.

 –  op5 is acting in a field that is still dominated by a few large suppliers who deliver complex systems to high costs. op5 is challenging these players and build their products for the customer in an modern and transparent manner. It will be very exciting to have the opportunity to contribute to the company's internationalization and growth, says Anders Harrysson, President Central & North Europe, Sun Microsystems.

Rune Hurtig, the founder, former CEO and Chairman of  Transmode, a company that had a turnover of over 600 million SEK in 2008, will now take place as chairman of the op5 Board. Rune Hurtig has previously been a subsidiary manager at ABB and CEO of Strängbetong and Ernströmgruppen.

- op5 addresses a classic and growing global IT challenge as business critical systems become more complex. The continuous changes in the IT systems, makes it a challenge to manage and to ensure the systems uptime. op5 focus on simplicity and flexibility to deal with this challenges. I believe this is of great benefit to many companies and organizations around the world. With Transmode, we proved that you can grow companies with good profitability, and I hope my experience can be of benefit to op5, says Rune Hurtig.

Joachim Karlsson is taking place on the op5 Board on behalf of KTH Chalmers Capital. Joachim has more than 15 years of experience as an entrepreneur and manager, primarily from the IT and consulting sector. As the founder of Focal AB, he was responsible for the company's initial public offering (IPO), international expansion and the company's U.S. investment in San Francisco. When buying Telelogic FocalPoint Joachim became Executive Vice President, responsible for the largest business area within Telelogic, with a turnover of $100 million SEK. Joachim is also a board member of Apica, Efield and Proxio. He was previously Chairman of XP Tools and member of Mjärdevi Business Incubator and ZealCore AB. Joachim has an MSc and PhD from Linköping University.

- With Anders Harrysson from Sun Microsystems, Rune Hurtig from Transmode and Joachim Karlsson from KTH Chalmers Capital we get a highly competent and experienced board of directors, says Jan Josephson, CEO at op5. As the company grows and develops, we get more international customers and the demands from the market are increasing. We feel encouraged and strengthened by this development. The fact that we now have access to a broad international experience is of course very valuable and exiting. It shows that, even though we are  a rather small company, we can attract high profile resources that believes in our market potential and that we represent something new and different, Jan ends.

The op5 board of directors now consists of: 

Tom Nyman, POD Venture Partners, previous CFO and COO Kinnevik Jobline

Joachim Karlsson, KTH Chalmers Capital 

Per Wejke, former Managing Director of Atlas Copco Tools and Vice President of Atlas Copco AB
Rune Hurtig, new Chairman 

Anders Harrysson, new member

op5 AB is a world leading OSM – Open Source Management – company that delivers software based on open source for control of IT systems and networks. Its main products are op5 Monitor, op5 Statistics and op5 LogServer. The products are based on open source code that op5 further develops, packages, and sells as complete products and systems with services and support.
 op5 has a large selection of primarily European clients from different market segments for example AGA Linde Gas, The Swedish Customs Service (Tullverket) and other parastatals, several county councils, municipalities and municipal companies. op5 was founded in 2003. The company is based in Sweden with offices in Stockholm and Gothenburg. 


For additional information please contact: 

Jan Josephson, CEO, op5 AB 

Mobile: +46 70 725 09 00, E-mail: jan.josephson @ op5.com

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