European Commission's fine for Outokumpu related to copper air-conditioning tube cartel remains unchanged

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May 7, 2009 at 08.20 a.m.

On December 16, 2003 the European Commission gave its judgement on
Outokumpu's participation in a European price-fixing and
market-sharing cartel regarding copper air-conditioning tubes during
1988-2001. Outokumpu was imposed a fine of EUR 18 million for the
participation. In 2004 Outokumpu appealed to the Court of First
Instance for Europe with respect to the grounds for the calculation
and the amount of the fine. According to the Court decision on May 6,
2009 the fine remains unchanged.

Outokumpu booked a EUR 18 million provision for the fine in 2003,
which means that this decision will have no profit impact.

Outokumpu has exited from the copper fabrication business by
divesting the major part of the business in 2005 and the remaining in
April 2008.

For more information please contact:

Päivi Lindqvist, SVP Communications & Investor Relations, tel. +358 9
421 2432,
mobile +358 40 708 5351

Corporate Management

Ingela Ulfves
Vice President - Investor Relations and Financial Communications
tel. +358 9 421 2438, mobile +358 40 515 1531


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