Interim Report January – March 2009

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Improved margins

• Order entry in January – March 2009 amounted to SEK 68 M (98)
• Net sales for the first quarter amounted to SEK 63.1 M (75.4)
• Gross margin improved to 56 percent (36) due to favourable currency effects, improved market mix and reduced unit costs
• Operating profit amounted to SEK 6.3 M (6.2). 2008 included a license fee of SEK 6.2 M
• Operating margin was 10,0 percent (8.2)
• Net profit was SEK 7.7 M (-0.2) and result per share of SEK 0.01 (0.00)
• Liquid funds of SEK 105.4 M (88.6)
• The earlier reported outlook with earnings almost at par with the level reported in 2008, is considered challenging but still possible

• Two large European retailers chose Pricer ESL
• First major European DotMatrix™ ESL contract for Pricer and Toshiba TEC with Belgacom

Subsequent events
• Pricer repaid SEK 22.5 M of convertible loans in April and extended remaining SEK 22.5 M until June 2010

For further information, please contact:
Charles Jackson, CEO, Pricer AB +46 8 505 582 00


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