Strong result improvement compared to Q1 2008

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• Net sales amounted to 15.9 million SEK (14.8).
• EBIT amounted to 2.2 million SEK (1.4), an increase of 50 per cent.
• Profit after tax amounted to 2.1 million SEK (1.3).
• After tax earnings per share amounted to 0.23 SEK (0.14).
• Cash flow amounted to 3.4 million SEK (1.0).
• The best quarter ever for ProViva, royalty revenue of 10.0 million SEK (9.4).
• Probi forecasts EBIT and cash flow to be positive in 2009.

CEO’s comments:
”A stable first quarter demonstrates that our business model works. We have increased EBIT by 50 per cent compared to Q1 last year and have many active agreement negotiations despite the gloomy outlook in the world economy. It is also very pleasing that ProViva reached a new record with the best quarter since 1994. The work with the launch of our new immune product during autumn 2009 continues with full force,” says Michael Oredsson, CEO of Probi.

For further information, contact:
Michael Oredsson, CEO, Probi, phone: +46 (0)46 286 89 23 or +46 (0)707-18 89 30, e-mail:

Distributed April 22nd, 2009. 10.15 (CET)


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