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Raisio plc, Stock exchange release, 14 May 2009 at 8 am Finnish time            

BUNGE TO ACQUIRE RAISIO'S MARGARINE BUSINESS                                    

Bunge and Raisio have signed an agreement on the sale of Raisio's margarine     
business to Bunge. Bunge Limited is a global company that specialises in foods, 
the processing and sale of agricultural commodities, as well as fertilizers. The
value of the transaction is EUR 80 million. The transaction will also make Bunge
a new and significant Benecol partner for Raisio.                               

The transaction will require the approval of the competition authorities. The   
duration of authority processing will determine the timing of the transaction,  
which is currently expected to take place in the third quarter. The buyer will  
pay the acquisition price in cash. After tax and expenses the sales profit from 
the divestment is expected to be some EUR 42 million. Raisio's equity ratio is  
estimated to be about 72 per cent after the transaction.                        

Raisio's CEO Matti Rihko says: “The deal is an important step for Raisio towards
focusing on grain-based business. The price is also very good. The transaction  
will bring Raisio a new, significant Benecol partner, who is looking to develop 
Benecol and functional foods. The divestment will bring further clarity to      
Raisio's focus: the company will concentrate on grain-based products.”          

Rihko adds: “The margarine business has been put into good shape in the last two
years, making it a natural addition to Bunge, which is looking to leverage its  
position in the Central and Northern European markets. As a global,             
billion-dollar company, Bunge has both the will and ability to develop the      
margarine business and to lead consolidation in a big sector. Raisio will       
continue to sell margarine products as Bunge's partner in Finland, Sweden and   
Estonia. In these countries Raisio's market position and net sales will remain  
unchanged. In Poland, the transaction targets Raisio Polska Foods Sp. z o.o.;   
Raisio will continue in grain-based snack business as a smaller, new company.   
The net sales of Raisio Polska Foods' in 2008 were EUR 49 million.”             

The transaction encompasses the margarine plants in Finland and Poland, as well 
as several brands, the best known being Keiju, Makuisa, Masmix and Pyszny Duet. 
Bunge will also have a licensing agreement concerning the Sunnuntai and         
Carlshamn Mejeri brands. Around 330 of Raisio's Finnish and Polish employees    
will be transferring to Bunge. The transaction doesn't effect on contract       
cultivation of oil seeds in Finland.                                            

Bunge Limited (www.Bunge.com, NYSE: BG) is a leading global agribusiness and    
food company founded in 1818 and headquartered in White Plains, New York.       
Bunge's over 25,000 employees in over 30 countries enhance lives by improving   
the global agribusiness and food production chain. The company supplies         
fertilizers to farmers in South America, originates, transports and processes   
oilseeds, grains and other agricultural commodities worldwide, produces food    
products for commercial customers and consumers and supplies raw materials and  
services to the biofuels industry. The main product groups in the Bunge's foods 
division are margarines, bottled vegetable oils and mayonnaise. The Group's     
consolidated net sales in 2008 totalled USD 52.6 billion (EUR 39.6 billion). The
company has a strong market position in bottled vegetable oils in Europe and    
also in margarines in Poland and Germany.                                       

Raisio plc                                                                      

Heidi Hirvonen                                                                  
Communications Manager                                                          
tel. +358 50 567 3060                                                           

Further information:                                                            
Matti Rihko, CEO, Raisio plc, tel. +358 400 830 727                             
(assistant Teija Silomäki,                                                      
tel. +358 44 782 1272)                                                          
Henri Rieux, Vice President Corporate Affairs, Bunge Europe, tel. +41 22 592    

Raisio will hold a press event in English on 14th May 2009 at 11.30 a.m. Finnish
time at Hotel Scandic Simonkenttä in the Bulsa-Freda meeting room. The address  
is Simonkatu 9, Helsinki.                                                       

An event for analysts will be held on 14th May 2009 at 12.30 p.m. Finnish time  
at Hotel Scandic Simonkenttä in the Bulsa-Freda meeting room. The address is    
Simonkatu 9, Helsinki.
