EuroMaint makes strategic German acquisition

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Ratos's wholly owned subsidiary EuroMaint has signed an agreement to
acquire the leading independent German train maintenance company Rail
Service Management Group (RSM). The seller is Hermann Weise and the
purchase price amounts to EUR 18m (Enterprise Value). The acquisition
means that EuroMaint will become the leading independent player
within train maintenance in Europe.

EuroMaint has signed an agreement to acquire the German company RSM
which has operations within maintenance of goods wagons, freight and
passenger trains in Europe. RSM has a leading position as an
independent maintenance supplier in Germany and is also established
in the Netherlands, Belgium and Poland. The company's 2008 sales
totalled EUR 94m with an operating profit (EBITA) of EUR 5.4m. The
company has approximately 800 employees.

 "The acquisition of RSM means that we are now building a significant
platform for future expansion in the growing market for maintenance
of both freight and passenger traffic. RSM is a profitable and
well-positioned player with an excellent geographic coverage," says
EuroMaint CEO Ole Kjörrefjord.

Ratos acquired EuroMaint, one of Sweden's leading providers of
qualified maintenance services to the rail transport sector and
engineering industry, in 2007. Operations are conducted by the two
subsidiaries EuroMaint Rail (84% of sales) and EuroMaint Industry
(16% of sales).

 "When we acquired EuroMaint RSM was identified as a strategic and
prioritised add-on acquisition. This makes it very gratifying to now
be able to carry out this acquisition and establish EuroMaint as the
leading independent player in the growing and increasingly
deregulated European train maintenance market," comments Ratos CEO
Arne Karlsson.

EuroMaint has 1,750 employees and sales in 2008 totalled SEK 2,300m
with an operating profit (EBITA) of SEK 122m. In the period
January-September 2009 sales amounted to SEK 1,812m (1,704) and
operating profit was SEK 93m (93).

Ratos will provide capital corresponding to the entire purchase price
in conjunction with the acquisition. The deal is subject to approval
from the competition authorities. Ratos's holding in EuroMaint
amounts to 100%.

For further information, please contact:
Arne Karlsson, CEO Ratos, +46 8 700 17 00
Ole Kjörrefjord, CEO EuroMaint, +46 707 62 52 00
Clara Bolinder-Lundberg, Head of Corporate Communications Ratos, +46
8 700 17 63

Financial calendar from Ratos:

Year-end report 2009                         18 February 2010
Annual General Meeting 2010                  15 April 2010
Interim Report January - March 2010          6 May 2010
Interim Report January - June 2010           20 August 2010
Interim Report January - September 2010      4 November 2010

Ratos is a listed private equity company. The business concept is to
maximise shareholder value over time by investing in, developing and
divesting primarily unlisted companies. Ratos offers investors a
unique investment opportunity. Ratos's equity is approximately SEK 15
billion and has a market capitalisation of approximately SEK 29
billion. Ratos's holdings include AH Industries, Anticimex, Arcus
Gruppen, Bisnode, Camfil, Contex, DIAB, EuroMaint, GS-Hydro, Hafa
Bathroom Group, Haglöfs, HL Display, Inwido, Jøtul, Lindab, MCC,
Medisize, Scandinavian Business Seating, Superfos and Other holdings.


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