Poolia’s year-end report, 1 January – 31 December 2009

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Johan Eriksson, Poolia’s Managing Director and CEO, comments on the financial results

• Revenues totalled MSEK 1,311.1 (1,437.8) • The operating profit was MSEK 28.4 (105.3) • The profit before tax was MSEK 30.6 (109.6) • The profit after tax was MSEK 18.5 (82.6) • Earnings per share totalled SEK 1.04 (4.61) • Cash flow from operating activities was MSEK 35.8 (105.7) • A dividend is proposed of SEK 1.50 (4.50) per share
2009 was an eventful year for Poolia. The global financial crisis we faced was characterised by redundancies, bankruptcies and a global economy in turmoil. The crisis also made its mark in the staffing sector. After a good start with a stable first quarter, demand slowed down during the second and third quarters, mainly in the Permanent Placement service segment. By means of significant cost adjustments and efficiency improvements we managed to reduce the recession’s effect on the financial results and maintained a positive cash flow from operating activities.
The slowdown was particularly noticeable during the second quarter and the summer months. The situation gradually stabilised during the end of the third quarter and the fourth quarter. We see clear indications of a better market in the days ahead and we are well equipped to cope with increased demand for our services.
Activities in the field of healthcare staffing continued their positive trend during the year. Growth was no less than 26%, with an operating margin that continued to be healthy.
During the fourth quarter we undertook structural measures to achieve additional efficiency improvements in the business. These measures charged the operating profit to the order of MSEK 2.6 during the period.
Despite developments during 2009, we have a stable financial position with no external financing whatsoever. It is therefore pleasing to propose a dividend of SEK 1.50/share, corresponding in total to MSEK 25.7.

Johan Eriksson

For further information please contact:
Johan Eriksson, CEO, Tel. +46 8 555 650 60, +46 70 616 74 47 Lotta Nilsson, CFO, Tel. +46 8 555 650 64, +46 73 944 50 64

VD-assistent & IR-koordinator
Tel: 08-555 650 33 
Mobil: 073-944 50 33

Poolias affärsidé är att förse företag och organisationer med den kompetens som, tillfälligt eller permanent, tillgodoser deras behov av kvalificerade tjänstemän. Poolia är specialiserat på rekrytering och uthyrning inom affärsområdena Finance & Accounting, Financial Services, Office Support, IT, Life Science & Engineering, Sales & Marketing, Human Resources, Legal samt Executive Search. Poolia är verksamt i Sverige, Finland och Tyskland.  Poolia är börsnoterat sedan 1999 på NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB.
