Sectra reports continued good growth

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During the fourth quarter, Sectra’s net sales rose 17.5% to SEK 263.7 million (224.5). Profit after financial items amounted to SEK 7.4 million (42.3), corresponding to a profit margin of 2.8% (18.9). Order bookings increased 31.2% to SEK 207.7 million (158.3).

“A limited number of large, long-term customer projects have resulted in initial costs for the Group that affected the profit margin adversely. Profit was also adversely impacted by the continued expansion of distribution channels and increase in production capacity in the mammography area,” says Jan-Olof Brüer, President and CEO of Sectra AB.

The international expansion continued and markets outside Sweden accounted for 70.2% (66.8) of the Group’s sales during the year.

“The Medical Systems business area continued to expand during the 2008/2009 fiscal year despite weaker economic conditions worldwide. Within the business area, the Mammography product division experienced the greatest growth during the 2008/2009 fiscal year, increasing 50%,” says Jan-Olof Brüer.

Within Secure Communication Systems, market penetration in the European government agencies market increased during the fiscal year.

“Sectra is the leading supplier of secure telephony and our Tiger products are currently used by government agencies and defense organizations in more than half of the 27 EU member countries,” says Jan-Olof Brüer.

For further information, contact:

Jan-Olof Brüer, President and CEO Sectra AB, tel. +46 13 23 52 09

Presentation of the year-end report:

Sectra’s CEO will present the report to analysts and the media during a financial hearing at Operaterrassen in Stockholm on May 26 at 12:00 noon.

It will be possible to participate in the presentation live via the Internet. A link will be available at approximately five minutes before the start of the presentation.





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