SinterCast: Change of Number of Shares and Votes in SinterCast

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[Stockholm, 30 October 2009] - With reference to Chapter 4, section 9
of the Swedish Financial Instruments  Trading Act (SFS 1991:980),  it
is hereby announced that the number of shares and votes in SinterCast
has increased during October  2009 by virtue of  the new share  issue
carried out by the company and as further set out below.

Prior to the rights  issue, there were in  total 5,552,900 shares  in
SinterCast, corresponding to the equal number of votes. The number of
shares and votes has through  the rights issue increased by  925,483.
As of 30 October 2009, there are in total 6,478,383 shares and  votes
in the company.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors,

Dr. Steve Dawson
President & CEO
SinterCast AB (publ)
Tel:    +46 8 660 7750

SinterCast  is  the  world's  leading  supplier  of  process  control
technology for  the  reliable  high volume  production  of  Compacted
Graphite Iron (CGI). With at  least 75% higher tensile strength,  45%
higher stiffness  and approximately  double the  fatigue strength  of
conventional  grey  cast  iron  and  aluminium,  CGI  allows   engine
designers to improve performance,  fuel economy and durability  while
reducing engine weight,  noise and emissions.  SinterCast produces  a
variety of CGI components ranging from  2 kg to 17 tonnes, all  using
the same process control technology.  The end-users of SinterCast-CGI
components include  Audi, Caterpillar,  Chrysler, DAF  Trucks,  Ford,
Ford-Otosan, General Electric Transportation Systems, General Motors,
Hyundai,  Navistar,  Jaguar,  Kia,  Land  Rover,  MAN,  Porsche,  PSA
Peugeot-Citroën,  Renault,  Rolls-Royce  Power  Engineering,  Toyota,
Volkswagen, Volvo and Waukesha Engine. The SinterCast share is quoted
on the  Small  Cap segment  of  the Nordic  Exchange  OMX,  Stockholm
(Stockholmsbörsen: SINT).


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