SinterCast Results July-September 2009

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* Turnover for period: SEK 5.2 million (SEK 6.0 million).
     Year-to-date: SEK 14.5 million (SEK 17.4 million)
  * Operating result: SEK -1.5 million (SEK -0.4 million).
    Year-to-date: SEK -5.2 million (SEK -4.5 million)
  * Result after tax: SEK 10.1 million (SEK -0.4 million).
    Year-to-date: SEK -1.6 million (SEK 18.1 million)
  * Earnings/share: SEK 1.8 per share (SEK -0.1 per share).
    Year-to-date: SEK -0.3 per share (SEK 3.3 per share)
  * Cashflow: SEK 17.6 million (SEK -2.9 million). Year-to-date: SEK
    17.7 million (SEK -7.5 million)
  * New rights issue provides net cash injection of SEK 18.4 million,
    increasing liquidity to SEK 26.7 million
  * Ford launches high volume diesel engine for Super Duty® pick-up
    trucks in North America
  * Dashiang Precision foundry in China begins production of new high
    volume exhaust component
  * First-ever SinterCast-CGI trial in India successfully concluded
    at DCM Engineering foundry

   Following annualised production of approximately 400,000 Engine
                       Equivalents during the
  first seven months of 2009, series production climbed rapidly to
                     500,000 Engine Equivalents
   in September, resulting from the start of production of two new

Current Production and Outlook
Although the existing series production programmes have not yet begun
to show  any  significant signs  of  recovery, the  total  production
volume has increased as a result of the launch of two new programmes:
the Ford  6.7 litre  V8  in North  America  and another  new  exhaust
component at the Dashiang Precision foundry in China.  The Ford Power
Stroke® diesel engine, based on a SinterCast-CGI cylinder block,  was
introduced by Ford on  31 August and officially  launched in the  new
F-Series Super Duty®  trucks on 24  September.  The  state-of-the-art
engine is the  first CGI  engine to be  launched in  the high  volume
North American pick-up truck sector.  The growth in series production
at the Dashiang Precision foundry in China is based on the launch  of
another new high  volume exhaust component,  produced for the  export
market.  Dashiang  currently produces  four different  SinterCast-CGI
exhaust components.

Production of the Ford Power Stroke® diesel engine began at the  Tupy
foundry in Brazil  during mid-2008  and has already  grown to  become
SinterCast's second largest production programme.  The Power  Stroke®
diesel is the first engine that  SinterCast has participated in as  a
replacement programme for an existing  engine.  As such, the  ramp-up
is  expected  to  be  faster  than  previous  programmes.   Based  on
historical sales of  F-250, F-350,  F-450 and  F-550 vehicles,  where
more than  two-thirds of  all vehicles  are specified  with a  diesel
engine, the  new V8  provides  the potential  for more  than  400,000
Engine Equivalents per year at full volume.  During the  introduction
of the new  engine, Ford specifically  stated that the  use of a  CGI
cylinder block enabled a  weight reduction of 70  kg (160 pounds)  in
the total engine weight, despite  the displacement increase from  6.4
to 6.7 litres.

Also during  the  period, SinterCast  conducted  its first  ever  CGI
production trial in India.  The  trial was successfully conducted  at
the DCM  Engineering foundry,  India's largest  independent  cylinder
block and  head  foundry.   The  trial was  commissioned  by  DCM  in
response to customer  demand for  CGI engine components  as new  road
infrastructure and more stringent  emissions increase the demand  for
improved  engine  performance   in  India.    Following  the   trial,
SinterCast-CGI prototype cylinder blocks, weighing from 40 to 175 kg,
were delivered to  passenger vehicle and  commercial vehicle OEMs  in
the domestic market.  DCM is also in dialogue with OEMs regarding the
potential to export high quality Compacted Graphite Iron castings.

Based on the current production  programmes and the potential  market
recovery during  SinterCast's five  year planning  horizon, the  five
year outlook is summarised as follows:

                          Approximate Annual Production Potential and
                            30 September 2009        30 June 2009
Activity                      KEQVS* MSEK/yr**   KEQVS*   MSEK/yr**
Current Series                   500          11      400           9

Potential Mature               1,300          30    1,000          23
Production Orders                200           5      500          11
Development Pipeline[4]        2,600          60    2,600          60
Near-term Market               4,100          95    4,100          94

Notes: 1. Current annualised production rate
       2. Annualised potential mature volume of Current Series
          Production  (Item 1 above) when fully ramped-up
       3. Annualised mature volume of programmes for which
          SinterCast's foundry customers have received production
          orders, but have not yet started series production
       4. Annualised mature volume of development programmes that
          SinterCast is currently supporting, but have not yet been
          awarded as series production orders
       5. Total Near-term Market Opportunity (sum of items 2, 3 and
       *  KEQVS: Thousands of Engine Equivalents
       ** Assumes 23 SEK/Engine Equivalent on 30 September 2009 and
          23 SEK/Engine Equivalent on 30 June 2009

Financial Summary
The revenue for the SinterCast Group relates primarily to income from
equipment (sales  and  leases),  series  production  and  engineering

During July-September 2009, revenue amounted to SEK 5.2 million  (SEK
6.0 million).  The revenue  represents 87%  of the  3Q 2008  revenue,
which was  the last  full quarter  before the  impact of  the  global
economic downturn. Series production revenue was SEK 4.5 million (SEK
4.7 million), mainly due to the shipment of 15,400 (16,500)  Sampling

During January-September,  revenue  amounted  to  SEK  14.5  million,
representing 83%  of  the  corresponding period  in  2008  (SEK  17.4
million). The decreased  revenue for the  period results mainly  from
the decreased series production among  foundry customers. A total  of
36,000 (44,000) Sampling Cups were sold during the period.  Equipment
revenue for the period was SEK  2.3 million (SEK 2.4 million) and  is
primarily  related  to  the  Mini-System  2000  installation  at  the
Luitpoldhütte foundry in Germany  and the hardware  upgrade/expansion
at the Tupy foundry in Brazil.

Revenue Breakdown                    July-September January-September
                                        2009   2008     2009     2008
Number of Sampling Cups shipped       15,400 16,500   36,000   44,000
Equipment [1]                            0.3    0.7      2.3      2.4
Series Production [2]                    4.5    4.7     10.9     13.4
Engineering Service [3]                  0.4    0.5      1.3      1.5
Other [4]                                0.0    0.1      0.0      0.1
Total                                    5.2    6.0     14.5     17.4
(Amounts in SEK million if not
otherwise stated)

Notes: 1. includes revenue from System 2000 sales and leases, sales
          of the Mini-System 2000 and spare parts
       2. includes revenue from production fees, consumables and
          software licence fees
       3. includes revenue from technical support, on-site trials and
          sales of test pieces
       4. includes revenue from activation of the Pouring Furnace and
          System 3000 development projects.

The July-September 2009 operating result  of SEK -1.5 million is  SEK
1.1 million lower than  the same period  2008, primarily affected  by
depreciation (selected patents  near the end  of lifetime allowed  to
lapse) and by the  reduced costs associated  with the employee  stock
option programme 2006-2010 during 3Q 2008.

| July-September                        | 2009 | 2008  | Difference |
| Depreciation                          | 0.9  |   0.2 |    0.7     |
| Employee   Stock   Option   Programme | 0.2  | -0.6  |    0.8     |
| 2006-2010                             |      |       |            |

The result for the  July-September 2009 period  amounted to SEK  10.1
million (SEK -0.4 million), primarily  related to the revaluation  of
the  deferred  tax  asset,  as  described  in  the  section  entitled
"Deferred Tax Asset".

The operating  result  for the  year-to-date  January-September  2009
period amounted to SEK -5.2 million and is SEK 0.7 million lower than
the same period 2008.  The  lower result for the year-to-date  period
is likewise primarily related to higher depreciation (patent  lapses)
and to revaluation differences related  to the employee stock  option
programme 2006-2010.

| January-September                     | 2009 | 2008  | Difference |
| Depreciation                          | 1.3  |   0.9 |    0.4     |
| Employee   Stock   Option   Programme | 0.7  |   0.3 |    0.4     |
| 2006-2010                             |      |       |            |

The result for the year-to-date  period amounted to SEK -1.6  million
(SEK 18.1 million), primarily  related to revaluation differences  of
the deferred tax  asset, by  SEK 19.7  million, as  described in  the
"Deferred Tax Asset" section.

Result Summary                       July-September January-September
                                        2009   2008     2009     2008
Operating Result                        -1.5   -0.4     -5.2     -4.5
Result for the period                   10.1   -0.4     -1.6     18.1
Result after tax per share (SEK)         1.8   -0.1     -0.3      3.3
(Amounts  in  SEK  million  if   not
otherwise stated)

Deferred Tax Asset
SinterCast  calculates  its  estimated  future  taxable  profit  from
secured production orders on a quarterly basis, in order to determine
the valuation of its deferred tax asset.

SinterCast has  reassessed the  estimated future  taxable profit  and
deferred tax asset  calculation from  secured orders  to reflect  the
current expectation of programme longevity and the typical  lifecycle
for engine programmes in  the automotive industry. This  reassessment
reflects the  indication that  the underlying  automotive demand  has
stabilised, as  described  in  SinterCast's  2Q  Report.   As  of  30
September 2009,  SEK  80.3  million  (13.5%)  of  SinterCast's  total
carried-forward tax losses have been used as the basis of the updated
calculation, resulting in  SEK 21.1  million being  capitalised as  a
deferred tax asset.

Deferred Tax Asset              July-September January-September   FY
                                   2009 2008       2009     2008 2008
Estimated future taxable profit    80.3 80.0       80.3     80.0 70.0
Change in carry-forward tax  loss  40.4  0.0       10.3     80.4 70.0
taken into consideration
Deferred tax asset                 21.1 22.4       21.1     22.4 18.5
Tax result                         10.7  0.0        2.7     22.4 18.5
(Amounts in SEK million if  not
otherwise  stated),  (FY:  Full

Employee Stock Option Programme
As of 30  September 2009,  the cost  of the  existing employee  stock
option programme 2006-2010 was  calculated at a  total amount of  SEK
3.2 million (SEK  3.7 million as  of 30 September  2008), based on  a
closing share price of SEK 60 on 30 September 2009 (SEK 103).  During
2009, SEK 0.7 million  (SEK 0.4 million) was  accounted for as  costs
related to the option programme.

The Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders approved a  new
2009-2013 employee stock option programme on 20 August 2009, to begin
during 4Q 2009. The maximum number of stock options to be allotted to
the employees will  be 285,000.  According to the  IFRS 2  accounting
standard,  the  employee  stock  options  should  be  expensed  as  a
personnel cost during the period and reported directly against equity
capital. The recorded  IFRS 2  cost for employee  stock options  will
amount to approximately SEK 1.8 million during the period  2009-2013.
Assuming that all options will be realised at the maximum ceiling  of
SEK  50,  the  social  security  costs  are  expected  to  amount  to
approximately SEK  3.0  million,  expensed  continuously  during  the
period in which  they are  incurred. Costs for  the option  programme
2009-2013 will be accounted for in 4Q 2009.

Cashflow, Liquidity and Investments
The new rights issue  has provided a net  cash injection of SEK  18.4
million, securing the Company's liquidity.  Current liquidity is  SEK
26.7 million, with  the prospect  of in additional  SEK 11.6  million
being raised during September 2010  from the warrants related to  the
new rights issue.   The July-September 2009  cashflow result was  SEK
17.6 million  (SEK  -2.9  million), providing  a Group  liquidity  of
SEK 26.7 million  on  30  September  2009  (SEK  8.8  million).   The
January-September 2009 cashflow result was SEK 17.7 million (SEK -7.5
million). The Sörmland Sparbank loan in the amount of SEK 3.0 million
is due for review during December  2009. According to its terms,  the
loan may be  called for repayment  during December 2009.  Investments
during the period amounted to SEK 1.2 million (SEK 0.0 million).

Cashflow Summary                    July-September January-September
                                       2009   2008     2009     2008
Cashflow from operating activities     -1.2    0.2     -4.0     -2.8
Cashflow from working capital           0.0   -3.1      0.6     -4.7
Cashflow from investment activities     0.2    0.0     -0.5      0.0
Cashflow from financing activities     18.6      -     21.6        -
Cashflow total                         17.6   -2.9     17.7     -7.5

Liquidity                              26.7    8.8     26.7      8.8
Investments                             1.2    0.0      1.2      0.0
(Amounts in SEK million if not otherwise stated)

Risks and Uncertainty Factors; Global Economic Crisis
Market Development
The main uncertainty factor for SinterCast  is the timing of the  CGI
market ramp-up, which primarily depends on the global economy for new
vehicle sales and  on the  individual sales success  of the  vehicles
equipped with  SinterCast-CGI  components.  The  economic  conditions
facing the global foundry and automotive industries have resulted  in
significant reductions in  demand in both  the passenger vehicle  and
commercial  vehicle  sectors,  causing  automotive  OEMs  to   reduce
production and,  in  some  cases,  delay  production  launches.   The
overall decline in the automotive market has resulted in a  reduction
of SinterCast's near-term market opportunity calculation from a  peak
of 5.7 million  Engine Equivalents  on 30  June 2008  to the  current
value  of  4.1  million   Engine  Equivalents.   This  reduction   of
approximately 25%  is  better  than  the  overall  automotive  market
decline of  40~60%  during the  same  period, primarily  because  the
launch of  new  SinterCast-CGI components  has  provided  incremental
volumes.  It is also noted that SinterCast's production of components
other than automotive cylinder blocks and heads has not decreased  as
significantly as  the  core  cylinder block  and  head  sector,  thus
providing a  compensating effect  on  the overall  series  production
volume.   While   SinterCast  continues   to  support   new   product
development activities, and anticipates  new production launches  and
installation revenue,  the  Board  believes  that  it  is  still  not
possible to  determine the  ultimate effect  of the  global  economic
recession or the timing and rate of the overall market recovery.

SinterCast regularly  monitors its  cash position  with reference  to
market  forecasts  and  expense   budgets,  and  has  implemented   a
pro-active liquidity  protection  plan that  has  included  personnel
reductions.   While  the  Company  believes  that  new   installation
opportunities can provide  cash injections to  further reinforce  the
liquidity, and  that new  series production  launches can  provide  a
positive contribution to production volumes and revenues, the  timing
of the  overall recovery  in the  automotive and  foundry  industries
remains  uncertain.   The   current  series   production  volume   of
approximately 500,000 Engine Equivalents  is insufficient to  provide
positive cashflow.  In  consideration of  all factors,  the Board  of
Directors determined  that  it  was  in  the  best  interest  of  the
shareholders to proceed with a  new rights issue, which was  approved
by an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders on 20  August
2009, and has  since resulted  in a net  cash injection  of SEK  18.4
million with the  prospect of  an additional SEK  11.6 million  being
raised during September  2010 from  the warrants related  to the  new
rights issue. The rights issue ensures the long-term liquidity of the
Company and  enables  the  Company  to  be  more  pro-active  in  its
operations in advance of the market recovery.

Market Penetration and Competition
Virtually every company encounters competition, and SinterCast is no
exception.  However, based on SinterCast's pioneering and leading
role in the development and application of CGI since the early
1990's, SinterCast enjoys global brand recognition and respect as the
CGI technology leader and is welcomed by the industry as a reliable
and trustworthy partner in the industry.  As the CGI market has
developed, some foundry supply companies have proposed alternative
CGI technologies.  To SinterCast's knowledge, these have included
Hereaus-Electronite, OxyCast, OCC and NovaCast.  It is also possible
that some foundries may opt to produce CGI using in-house control and
discipline, but this is generally judged to become less likely as
product complexity and production volumes increase, and as
specification requirements become more rigidly enforced by the
end-users.  SinterCast judges that it's technology and engineering
know-how provides the most reliable and cost-effective solution for
the production of high quality CGI.  Based on its proven technology,
production experience and engineering service, SinterCast will
continue to support new CGI development activities to further
increase its share of the world CGI cylinder block and head
production capacity.  With respect to the development of alternative
automotive technologies such as biofuels, hybrids and fuel cells,
SinterCast does not expect these to have a significant effect on the
Company's competitive position for the foreseeable future.

Accounting Principles
The information  provided on  behalf  of the  Group in  this  interim
report has been prepared in accordance with Sweden's Annual  Accounts
Act and IAS 34  Interim Financial Reporting.  As  of 1 January  2009,
several amendments to existing standards, new interpretations and one
new standard (IFRS 8)  came into effect.  In  accordance with IAS  1,
SinterCast has opted  to present the  Group's total earnings  divided
into two statements: a separate  income statement and a statement  of
comprehensive income.   Furthermore,  the consolidated  statement  of
changes in shareholders' equity  only includes transactions with  the
Group's owners.  As of  1 April 2009, development  costs that can  be
directly attributed to  the design  and testing  of identifiable  and
unique new  products  controlled  by  the  Group  are  recognised  as
intangible assets when the criteria of IAS38 are met. Beginning  with
the 3Q09  report,  SinterCast  has reassessed  the  estimated  future
taxable profit  and deferred  tax asset  calculation to  reflect  the
typical lifecycle of an engine programme in the automotive  industry.
The reporting for the Parent Company has been prepared in  accordance
with Sweden's Annual Accounts Act.  The accounting policies that have
been applied  for  the  Group  and for  the  Parent  Company  are  in
agreement with the accounting policies used in the preparation of the
Company's latest annual report.

During the period, no material transactions have taken place  between
SinterCast and the  Board or  the Management, with  the exception  of
their unanimous participation in the new rights issue.

Events after the Balance Sheet Date
There have been no significant events since the balance sheet date of
30 September  2009  that  could  materially  change  these  financial

Parent Company
SinterCast AB (publ) is the  Parent Company of the SinterCast  Group,
with registered  office located  in  Stockholm, Sweden.   The  Parent
Company has 10 (12)  employees.  The majority  of the operations  are
conducted by  the Parent  Company, including  responsibility for  the
representative  office  in   China  and   sales  representatives   in
Australia, India, Japan and Korea. Operations  in the UK and the  USA
are managed by the  local companies.  The  information given for  the
Group in  this report  corresponds in  all material  respects to  the
Parent Company.

As of 30 September 2009, the Group had 13 (16) employees, two (three)
of which were  female.  The  core technical staff  has the  necessary
skills and resources to support  ongoing customer activities and  the
overall market development.  Further recruitment will be phased  with
the development of field activities, particularly the need to support
new installations.

Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting 2010 of SinterCast AB (publ) will be  held
on 20 May 2010.

Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee, elected by the Annual General Meeting 2009,
consists of Ulla-Britt Fräjdin-Hellqvist, Lars Ahlström and Torbjörn
Nordberg. The Nomination Committee can be contacted at:

The Interim Report October-December and  Full Year Results 2009  will
be published on 10 February 2010
The Interim Report January-March 2010 will be published on 28 April
The Interim Report April-June 2010 will be published on 25 August
The Interim  Report  July-September  2010  will  be  published  on  3
November 2010

For further information please contact:

Dr. Steve Dawson
President & CEO
SinterCast AB (publ)

Tel:           +46 8  660 7750
Mobile:        +44 771 002 6342

SinterCast  is  the  world's  leading  supplier  of  process  control
technology for  the  reliable  high volume  production  of  Compacted
Graphite Iron (CGI). With at  least 75% higher tensile strength,  45%
higher stiffness  and approximately  double the  fatigue strength  of
conventional  grey  cast  iron  and  aluminium,  CGI  allows   engine
designers to improve performance,  fuel economy and durability  while
reducing engine weight,  noise and emissions.  SinterCast produces  a
variety of CGI components ranging from  2 kg to 17 tonnes, all  using
the same process control technology.  The end-users of SinterCast-CGI
components include  Aston Martin,  Audi, Caterpillar,  Chrysler,  DAF
Trucks, Ford, Ford-Otosan,  General Electric Transportation  Systems,
General Motors, Hyundai, Navistar, Jaguar, Kia, Land Rover, MAN,  MAN
Diesel, Porsche,  PSA  Peugeot-Citroën,  Renault,  Rolls-Royce  Power
Engineering, Toyota,  Volkswagen,  Volvo  and  Waukesha  Engine.  The
SinterCast share is  quoted on the  Small Cap segment  of the  Nordic
Exchange, Stockholm (Stockholmsbörsen: SINT).


The full report with tables can be downloaded from the following

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