Biovitrum Interim Report 1st January - 31st March, 2009

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Strong revenues  growth  in the  first  quarter as  an  international
pharmaceutical company

January - March

*            Net revenues  before license  revenues increased  by  78
             percent compared to the same period 2008 and amounted to
             SEK 355.2 M (200.1). The increase is mainly a result  of
             the  sales  of  Kineret®  and  Kepivance®,  from   which
             revenues amounted to SEK 133.6 M (14.8).  Total revenues
             from ReFacto® amounted to SEK 203.0 M (159.7).
*            Operating  profit  increased  to  SEK  12.0  M   (-8.5).
             Following the strengthened  US dollar, future  milestone
             payments and  loans in  dollar have  been  recalculated,
             which has charged the results with approximately SEK  33
             M. Hence earnings for the quarter amounted to SEK  -23.7
             M (-2.1), which is equivalent  to earnings per share  of
             SEK -0,47 (-0.05).
*            Cash flow  from operations  was  SEK -123.6  M  (-22.9).
             Accounts receivables increased to  SEK 144 M during  the
             quarter, following large deliveries of ReFacto in  March
             as well as building  up of accounts receivables  related
             to Kineret and Kepivance. Cash and cash equivalents  and
             short-term investments as  of March 31  amounted to  SEK
             325.5 M (737.5).
*            ReFacto AFTM was approved for sale in Europe.
*            In  line  with  the   new  strategy,  outlicensing   and
             divestment of primary care projects continue.  Biovitrum
             signed an agreement  with Karolinska  Development AB  to
             continue development  of the  leukemia project  (FLT  3)
             within a jointly-owned project company.
*            An agreement  was  reached  with  Affibody  AB  on  drug
             development collaboration using their unique technology.

CEO comments:"I am pleased to report that Biovitrum has now been transformed from
a research company into an international pharmaceutical company,
which is reflected by a strong operating result for the first
quarter. Important contributors are the sales of Kineret and
Kepivance which were slightly better than our forecast for the
period. The change in the direction of our research is fully
completed and is now focused on biotechnological, specialist
pharmaceuticals. The agreement with Affibody is a good example of
this focus. We have succeeded in implementing these necessary and
comprehensive changes while maintaining our strong financial
position," says CEO Martin Nicklasson. "We are also positive to
having Investor AB, who has a great deal of experience in the health
care sector, as a new main share holder."

For further information, please contact
Martin Nicklasson, CEO
Phone: +46 8 697 2545

Göran Arvidson, CFO
Cell phone: +46 8 697 23 27

Erik Kinnman, VP Investor Relations
Cell phone: +46 73 422 15 40

About Biovitrum
Biovitrum is a Swedish pharmaceutical company. The company markets  a
range  of  specialist  pharmaceuticals  internationally.  Using   its
expertise and experience  Biovitrum takes  scientific innovation  all
the way  to the  market and  to specialist  indication patients  with
significant medical  need. Research  expertise and  capabilities  are
focused on development and  production of biotechnology  therapeutics
within our prioritized  areas of hemophilia,  inflammation/autoimmune
diseases and malabsorption. The company has revenues of approximately
SEK 1.2 billion  and around 400  employees. It is  listed on the  OMX
Nordic  Exchange  in   Stockholm.  For  more   information  go  to

Biovitrum AB (publ) may be required to disclose the information
provided herein pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act. The
information was provided for public release on April 28, 2009 at
08:30 a.m. CET.


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