The board of directors of Biovitrum utilizes authorization to repurchase shares to secure the company's performance based, long-term share program for 2009

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The Annual General Meeting of Biovitrum resolved on 28 April 2009  to
issue 231,585 series C shares to secure that the company can  fulfill
its commitment according  to the performance  based, long-term  share
program for  2009 ("Share  Program  2009"). Furthermore,  the  Annual
General Meeting  resolved  to authorize  the  board of  directors  to
repurchase  all  issued  series  C  shares  for  a  price  per  share
corresponding to  the quota  value of  the Biovitrum  share, i.e.  in
total SEK  127,069.9623.  The  series C  shares  will  thereafter  be
converted to common shares in the  number that is required to  secure
delivery under the Share Program 2009.

The board  of directors  of  Biovitrum has  resolved to  utilize  the
authorization for  this purpose  and  to immediately  repurchase  all
issued series  C shares  in  accordance with  the resolution  by  the
Annual General Meeting  on 28 April  2009. Biovitrum currently  holds
284,000 own series C shares which were issued during 2008.

For further information, please contact:

Biovitrum AB (publ)
Martin Nicklasson, CEO
Phone: +46 8 697 20 00

Göran Arvidson, CFO
Phone: +46 70 633 30 42

Erik Kinnman, VP Investor Relations
Phone: +46 73 422 15 40

About Biovitrum
Biovitrum is  an international  pharmaceutical company  that  markets
specialist pharmaceuticals in  several regions.  Using its  expertise
and experience Biovitrum takes scientific innovation to patients with
significant unmet medical need.  Research expertise and  capabilities
are  focused   on  development   and  production   of   biotechnology
therapeutics   within   our   prioritized   areas   of    hemophilia,
inflammation/autoimmune  diseases,   cancer   supportive   care   and
malabsorption.  Biovitrum  has  revenues  of  approximately  SEK  1.2
billion and approximately 400  employees (prior to the  Transaction).
Biovitrum's head office is located in Sweden and the share is  listed
on the  NASDAQ  OMX  Stockholm. For  more  information  please  visit

The above information has been made public in accordance with the
Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.
The information was published at 8:30 CET on December 3, 2009.


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