TeleComputing 3rd quarter 2009

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Highlights 3rd quarter 2009 • Total group revenue for 3rd quarter 2009 was MNOK 212,3 (MNOK 220,0), representing a decline of -3,5 %. All revenue declines were organic. • Order inflow in the IT Operations segment during the 3rd quarter was MNOK 127 (MNOK 161). • Operating profit before amortization (EBITA) was MNOK 20,1 (MNOK 16,0), representing an EBITA margin of 9,5 %. • After amortization expenses of MNOK 1,9 (MNOK 1,8), operating profit (EBIT) was MNOK 18,2 (MNOK 14,3) • Profit before tax was MNOK 17,1 (MNOK 11,8). • Net income was MNOK 12,3 (MNOK 8,5) • Cash flow from operations was MNOK 36,6 (MNOK 26,1). • The total cash balance at the end of Q3 2009 was MNOK 126,4. More details may be found in the attached information.