CEO buys shares in TradeDoubler

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Örjan Frid, CEO of TradeDoubler, purchased 10,000 shares in TradeDoubler on May 6. Previously, he did not own any TradeDoubler shares.
"During my first months in the Group I have become familiar the company and its operations. It is my opinion that the company has what is needed for long-term growth with profitability".
The share purchase was made on May 6, the same date that TradeDoubler released its interim report for the first quarter of 2009. The purchase was carried out after the interim report was disclosed publicly, but on the same date, which is not permitted in accordance with the Reporting Duty for Certain Holdings of Financial Instruments Act (2000:1087).
"I decided earlier in the spring to purchase shares in TradeDoubler, but felt that a person in my position must be extra careful as CEO. One should normally try to trade immediately after a report. Therefore, I chose to wait. When the report was released, I checked that the price had not been affected significantly before I purchased. I realize now that I should have waited until the next day. My action was purely inadvertent." 
For more information, please contact,
Örjan Frid, President and CEO
+ 46 (8) 40 50 800
