Aktia plc: Aktia's nomination committee appointed

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Aktia plc
Stock Exchange Release
20.12.2010 at 11 a.m.


Aktia's nomination committee appointed

The three largest shareholders of Aktia plc have appointed the following persons as members of Aktia's nomination committee.

Stiftelsen Tre Smeder (earlier Savings Banks Foundation Helsinki) - Chamber Counsellor Håkan Mattlin
Life Annuity Institution Hereditas - Chamber Counsellor Mikael Westerback
Pension Insurance Company Veritas - LL.M. Jan-Erik Stenman
The chairman of Aktia's Board of Supervisors, Chamber Counsellor Henry Wiklund, is expert member of the nomination committee.

Following the decision taken by Aktia's Annual General Meeting, the shareholders' nomination committee comprises representatives of the three largest shareholders on 1 November the year before plus the chairman of the Board of Supervisors. The nomination committee prepares proposals for decisions to be taken by the Annual General Meeting concerning members of the Board of Supervisors, auditor/s and the remuneration of these.




For more information, please contact:
Henry Wiklund, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, tel. +358 40 5861 330

Malin Pettersson, Head of Communications, tel.+358 10 247 6369, +358 40 589 7941

Nasdaq OMX Helsinki, mass media, www.aktia.fi