Arctic Gold AB (ARCT): Several politicians open up for re-processing of our case in Kautokeino

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After the missing political processing of Arctic Gold's modified application for Planprogram, the chairman of the Kautokeino Municipal Government has looked into the handling of the points of fact of the case with the Municipality Department in Norway, and has received the answer that the case is to be processed at the next meeting of the Municipal Government.

- As the case was not processed at the last meeting we will probably handle it at the next meeting in the fall, says chairman Klemet Erland Hætta in an article in Finnmarks Dagblad on Tuesday, June 12.

- Arctic Gold was willing to listen to us, and took us into account when they changed the plan. We will give the matter full attention next time, says municipal politician for Høyre, Mikkel Isak Eira, to the local radio station GLR in Kautokeino.

- It becomes a clear political direction of de-population when the Municipal Government of Kautokeino will not even permit a mining company to do an impact study, says the sami council representative Jørn Are Gaski. Gaski feels that the Municipality of Kautokeino at least should have approved an impact study, according to an article in NRK Sápmi on Wednesday, June 13.

It appears that Arctic Gold's work with the points of fact in the case, and with how the case should be processed, is already showing a positive result, says Arctic Gold's CEO Lars-Åke Claesson.

Both the Municipality Chairman and the leader of høyre have, in other words, already stated in newspapers and on radio that the modified Planprogram will be brought up for processing and that all studies conducted will receive fair consideration.

Even a representative of Sametingen is of the opinion that the municipality should let Arctic Gold carry out the impact study, as otherwise it's simply an invitation to move away from a municipality that will not even review the job opportunities the mining operations may create.

For further information, please contact the company's CEO.

Lars-Åke Claesson
Arctic Gold AB
46 18 156423
46 70 6733294

Arctic Gold's business concept is to engage in exploration activities to discover and demonstrate commercially extractable gold and base metal deposits in Scandinavia; The strategy is primarily to carry out exploration work and either sell the project within a few years or to establish mining activities under the company's own control or through a partnership with other companies. Arctic Gold focuses mainly on the Bidjovagge project in northern Norway and current gold and base metal permits in Västerbotten and Norrbotten.