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An unprecedented and fully integrated customer relationship management platform will help senior care organizations close the gap in the sales process and eliminate lost leads and revenue.


April 28, 2015                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


Tampa, Florida – Bild & Company, one of the nation’s leading senior healthcare consulting firms has partnered with Enquire Solutions to launch a fully integrated customized CRM platform with the easiest user interface in the industry. Almost 2 years in the making, Bild CRM will transform the way senior providers handle their sales and marketing efforts with real time tracking metrics and a best in class marketing module. Seth Garber, CEO & President of Bild and Company states, “This is a game changer because it allows an organization to assess sales performance in real time. It also allows providers to track multiple properties, leads, tours, and occupancy gaps in one simple view.”

Some of the Bild CRM features that will distinctly position it as the “must have” business asset are: its extremely easy and flexible user interface and design, real time reporting and metrics, full integration of external lead generation marketing, and most importantly the ability to integrate with any existing platforms due to its open API. Enquire CEO, Lucas Hayes affirms, “The beauty of what we’ve created is like no other CRM out there. We’ve married a simple front-end user interface with the most sophisticated real time reporting capabilities.” Lucas adds, “This takes senior housing where technology should be today and beyond.”

Based in Denver, Colorado, Enquire Solutions is a leading call center and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) provider in senior housing, healthcare and multi-family. The innovative company leverages its highly trained workforce, systematic processes and cutting-edge technology to manage and nurture its clients’ leads. Enquire Solutions delivers exceptional service to clients and improves the experience for their prospects, residents and family members.

A perfect complement to Bild’s sales coaching, marketing and mystery shopping programs, Bild CRM allows providers a platform to close the loop on the sales continuum. Garber explains, “When Bild creates a marketing lead for a client, that lead is now trackable and actionable. The sales person gets that lead, can follow that lead and the provider can track that entire cycle through a tour to move in – there are no longer any gaps or misses. It’s an incredible interface.” Unlike many cumbersome CRMs in the market, Bild CRM is extremely intuitive to use and clearly provides all necessary tools for sales teams to thoroughly organize their contacts and potential prospects. And because of its highly intuitive user interface, the learning curve to explore and navigate through administrative features is extremely minimal.

Bild & Company, founded in 1999 is a national healthcare consulting firm that offers a full spectrum of integrated sales and marketing services to senior living providers build a customer-centric culture, grow occupancy and maximize revenue for the long-term.


For more information, contact Seth Garber at or visit






Quick facts

Bild CRM will transform the way senior providers handle their sales and marketing efforts with real time tracking metrics and a best in class marketing module.
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Unlike many cumbersome CRMs in the market, Bild CRM is extremely intuitive to use and clearly provides all necessary tools for sales teams to thoroughly organize their contacts and potential prospects.
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A perfect complement to Bild’s sales coaching, marketing and mystery shopping programs, Bild CRM allows providers a platform to close the loop on the sales continuum.
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