46,000 reasons to join the race to beat breast cancer

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Press Release For immediate release: 12 April 2010 Press contact: Louise Garrahan, Media Relations Officer, Breast Cancer Campaign, DD 0207 749 3724, Email: lgarrahan@breastcancercampaign.org 46,000 reasons to join the race to beat breast cancer Calling all runners in the South – Breast Cancer Campaign needs you to lace up your trainers and run for breast cancer research at this year’s Sony Ericsson Run to the Beat. The charity has 30 places available on its running team for the 13.1 mile race in Greenwich, London on Sunday 26 September, so if you can’t leave home without your ipod, this is the race for you. The whole course is set to music that has been scientifically proven to match the physical and mental demands of running a half marathon. Events Assistant, Cecilia Owen, said: “In 2009 59 runners ran around the capital while raising more than £15,000 to help us fund vital breast cancer research. We’d love to make this year’s team the biggest yet so please sign up to support the 46,000 people who will sadly be diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK this year.” Charity places must be filled by 30 July 2010 so if you would like to run for Campaign, please call 020 7749 3700 or visit www.breastcancercampaign.org All runners who sign up will automatically become members of Campaign’s exclusive challenge club, Linford’s All Stars. Captained by Linford Christie the team receives unrivalled training tips from the Olympic runner, as well as helpful fundraising advice from the Events team. ENDS Pocture caption: Runners Notes to editors • Breast Cancer Campaign aims to beat breast cancer by funding innovative world-class research to understand how breast cancer develops, leading to improved diagnosis, treatment, prevention and cure • Currently it supports 117 research projects, worth over £17.3 million, in 40 centres of excellence across the UK and Ireland • Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK and accounts for nearly one in three of all cancers in women • In the UK, nearly 46,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year - that’s 125 a day • Visit www.breastcancercampaign.org • Read Chief Executive Pamela Goldberg’s blog http://pamelagoldbergblog.blogspot.com/ • Breast Cancer Campaign is campaigning for all candidates standing for election to Westminster to sign up to the breast cancer research pledge: www.breastcancercampaign.org/election


