Sirco, the natural alternative to aspirin wihout the side effects

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Hi there A trial completed at the The Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen showed that Frutiflow, only found in Sirco fruit juices, can be used to help combat the formation of unwanted blood clots, without any of the side effects associated with aspirin.

The 7-month human trial compared the effects on platelet aggregation of the tomato-extract product and aspirin, which can help thin the blood but also lead to gastric ulceration and bleeding. Fruitflow has similar results for blood thinning to aspirin without any harmful side effects.10 The trial also studied the interactions between Fruitflow and aspirin consumed together and showed no negative interactions. The blood platelet smoothing action of Fruitflow® in Sirco fruit juice, takes effect from the very first 250 ml glass.1,2 Fruitflow® is derived from the gelatine that surrounds tomato pips, but carries none of the taste of tomatoes. As part of a daily diet, Sirco therefore provides a natural alternative to taking a drug to smooth blood platelets avoiding the risk of encountering side effects. Sirco™ comes in two new delicious 100% pure fruit flavours, Pomegranate & Orange and Blueberry & Apple, both containing Fruitflow®. Sirco is available in major retailers such as Waitrose, Holland & Barrett, Ocado and Independent Health food stores, Tree of Life, The Health Store and The Natural Health Company. It is available in 1-litre cartons and retails between £1.89p and £2.49. More information is available from Please contact me should you want any additional information about Sirco. Kind regards Johnny Steyn Notes to editors Aspirin is a drug taken daily which targets one specific platelet aggregation and it is not recommended for use by the population at large for cardiovascular disease prevention partly due to its well known side effects including gastric bleeding and ulcerations. In addition, a significant percentage of users show some resistance to its effects. Sirco • Sirco does not contain artificial sweeteners, preservatives, colours or flavours and is naturally cholesterol and salt free. • One 250ml serving of Sirco contains 3g of Fruitflow™ (the recommended daily consumption) and lasts up to 18 hours. • Sirco works with your body on the day you drink it. • A 250ml serving of Sirco provides you with one portion of your recommended five fruits a day. • As Sirco is designed for adults it is not recommended for children. • There is no evidence that drinking more than the recommended dose of Sirco, as with eating too many tomatoes, would be harmful. • Tomatoes are proven to contain ingredients with potent antiplatelet properties that help keep blood platelets smooth so they don’t clump together, and so blood flows more freely. Fruitflow Antiplatelet therapy has become a widely accepted therapeutic intervention to reduce the rate of coronary events and stroke in specific patient groups. However for patients at lower coronary risk, there is still much debate around the impact of undesirable effects vs benefits for recommending the use of antiplatelet therapies such as aspirin.7 As would be expected for a heart health drink, no side effects have been reported in trials to date.1,2 Sirco has also shown no effect on the natural clotting process which occurs with injury. 1,2 In 2001, having already published data that showed tomatoes contain ingredients with potent antiplatelet properties,3,4 a team of scientists led by Professor Asim Duttaroy at the Rowett Institute of Health & Nutrition, University of Aberdeen formulated an extract of ripe tomatoes which delivered these effects in vivo. Four years of further clinical research by Provexis have shown that the extract, Fruitflow, has multiple modes of action in vitro and in vivo, and works against a range of physiological mediators of platelet aggregation including collagen, thrombin, ADP and arachidonic acid. 1,2 Platelet function in response to ADP or collagen was altered in 97% of trial subjects after consumption of fruitflow. 1,2 While the average response in studies was in the range 8-23% inhibition of baseline platelet aggregation, a subset of subjects showed a higher response (in the range 20-35% inhibition). 1,2 These individuals had higher than average plasma concentrations of two emerging markers of cardiovascular risk: C-reactive protein and homocysteine, both of which have been reported to affect platelet function.5, 6 It would appear, therefore, that the individuals who show the greatest response are those who could potentially derive greater benefit from a dietary antiplatelet agent. References 1. O'Kennedy N, Crosbie L, van Lieshout M et al. Data on file. 2. O'Kennedy N, Crosbie L, Whelan S et al. Data on file. 3. Dutta-Roy AK, Crosbie L and Gordon MJ (2001). Platelets 12: 218-227. 4. Antithrombotic agents. EU patent 9920968.7. 5. Cattaneo M. Thromb Haemost 1999; 81: 165-176. 6. Aukrust P et al. Heart 2001; 86: 605-606. 7. Elwood p et al. BMJ 2005;330; 1440 -1443. 8. BBC News online – Aspirin study in the Lancet 9. Fruitflow showed up to 30% reduction from baseline platelet aggregation in each of three different biological pathways, while a single dose of aspirin caused up to 60% reduction in a single pathway, with lesser effects on the other two