Top 3 most stolen images - from the tea to product photo

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Copytrack evaluates one year of image research and presents the most stolen images.

Berlin, 08.06. 2017: The most stolen image online isn´t an idyllic palm beach, nor an erotic photo, and unfortunately not a cute animal; but, instead, a product photo of a cup of tea with exactly 234 illegal uses. This is the result of an investigation by Copytrack, which analyzed 50,000 research results from the Copytrack portal between April 2016 to April 2017. In second place with 123 hits was a product photo of a woman photographed walking around Hong Kong in painted jeans. And in third place is an image of the Dubai skyline with 120 unauthorized uses. 

"Our evaluation makes it once again clear that a search for duplicates on the Internet for any kind of photography and for different motives can be useful", commented Marcus Schmitt on the analysis result. The managing director of Copytrack knows that hobby photographers themselves and their pictures often underestimate copyright abuse and neglect to check it. For professional photographers, as well as agencies and publishers, this can quickly be worthwhile. In the case of the three most frequently stolen photographs named here, usage fees of 195 to 1010 euros per hit were subsequently paid to the owners.

The evaluation also confirms to the Copytrack team that image fraud for commercial purposes is operated by a wide range of companies and facilities. Among other results, Internet shops for natural healing used the tea photo that took first place in the ranking of the most stolen image. Lifestyle magazines were particularly fond of the image of the woman, who was only bodypainting the lower body. The view of Dubai was used by photo magazines, blogs and even as a wallpaper, without picture rights being mentioned or the usage fees being paid. This is unfortunate, especially since it is often intentionally stolen and used online.

Note on the pictorial material:
The three pictures, which are the subject of the press release, can be seen and downloaded at However, the images may only be used for editorial purposes in connection with this press release or in connection with a report on Copytrack, mentioning the respective complete picture source information on the picture online. Any further use of this data requires the consent of the respective copyright owner.

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About Copytrack:

Copytrack ( was founded in 2015 by Marcus Schmitt and currently employs around 25 people from legal, IT, customer service and finance. The service supports photographers, publishers, image agencies and e-commerce providers. It includes a risk-free search of the global Internet for image and graphics data uploaded by users at Copytrack are found with a hit accuracy of 98 per cent. The customers define if images are used without a license and even determine the amount of subsequent fees supported by an automatic license calculator on the portal. Copytrack is fully responsible for an out-of-court solution in over 140 countries as well as a legal solution in the areas relevant to copyright law. If the image has been successfully licensed, the rights holder receives up to 70 percent of the agreed sum. The pure search function is free of charge.


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Our evaluation makes it once again clear that a search for duplicates on the Internet for any kind of photography and for different motives can be useful.
Marcus Schmitt, CEO COPYTRACK