Mandatory notification of share options grant

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Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement by Cxense ASA (the "Company") earlier today regarding issuance of share options to employees in the Company under the Company's 2018 share options incentive program, as resolved by the Company's annual general meeting on 9 May 2018. The strike price for the share options is NOK 33.67.

The following primary insiders have been granted share options under the 2018 share options incentive program:

David Gosen, Chief Commercial Officer, was granted 100,000 share options. Following the grant, Mr. Gosen holds 100,000 share options and subscription rights, and 0 shares in the company

Pankaj Saharan, Chief Technology Officer, was granted 75,000 share options. Following the grant, Mr. Saharan holds 75,000 share options and subscription rights, and 0 shares in the company

Benjamin Graham, Chief Product Officer, was granted 50,000 share options. Following the grant, Mr. Graham holds 50,000 share options and subscription rights, and 0 shares in the company

Elisabeth Monrad-Hansen, Vice President Human Relations, was granted 20,000 share options. Following the grant, Ms. Monrad-Hansen holds 20,000 share options and subscription rights, and 0 shares in the company

Birger Søiland, General Manager North America, was granted 10,000 share options. Following the grant, Mr. Søiland holds 15,000 share options and subscription rights, and 0 shares in the company

Fredrik Falck, Vice President of Finance, was granted 5,000 share options. Following the grant, Mr. Falck holds 10,000 share options and subscription rights, and 0 shares in the company