Best Life Media has a Gold Medal Winner in Living Now Book Awards

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BEST Life Media, a publisher and producer of books, CDs, DVDs and other materials on holistic living, announces the success of one of its books in the Living Now Book Awards. “Bowing: A Moving Meditation for Personal Transformation” was recently recognized as a Gold Medal winner for helping readers enrich their lives in holistic ways.

The Living Now Book Awards celebrate innovation and creativity of newly created lifestyle books. Bowing Meditation has been practiced for millennia by several Asian cultures for relaxation of the mind and as an invigorating exercise for the body. The simple, repetitive motion uses every major joint and muscle, and synchronizes breathing.  Created by Dahn Yoga Education, the book “Bowing: A Moving Meditation for Personal Transformation” makes deep relaxation accessible with its step-by-step instructions and friendly illustrations. This likely the reason it was chosen to win the Gold Medal in the Mediation/Relaxation category.

To celebrate this win, BEST Life Media is offering a 20% discount on “Bowing: A Moving Meditation for Personal Transformation.”

About BEST Life Media

BEST Life Media produces energy healing and yoga books, CDs, DVDs, and other tools that are both educational and life-enhancing, and designed to support a lifestyle of continuous personal growth and enrichment.

Founded on the principle that the quality of information one consumes largely determines the quality of one’s life, BEST Life Media is dedicated to providing positive and supportive resources to help individuals create happier, healthier, and more peaceful lives, which will in turn create more harmonious communities and a healthier planet.

Michela Mangiaracina
Best Life Media



