Empower Energies CEO Len Jornlin to Speak at Capitol Hill Event

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Jornlin to be Featured on Panel at the 17th Annual Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Forum, as Empower Energies Exhibits in Booth B11

Empower Energies, Inc., a leading Clean Energy Portfolio Solutions company, announces that it will exhibit at the 17th Annual Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Expo + Forum on Capitol Hill, July 31, 2014. As part of the exposition, Empower will be located in Booth B11, in the Cannon Caucus Room, Independence Avenue SE & 1st Street SE, Washington, DC.

Empower CEO Len Jornlin will also be a speaker at this year’s event, participating as part of Panel 6, which will focus on what is happening behind the scenes in the areas of finance, the electric grid, and energy storage issues. This panel discussion will take place from 2:40 – 3:20pm in Cannon Caucus Room 334. The complete schedule includes seven panels and participants from over 25 departments, agencies, and organizations.

The 2014 Expo + Forum will bring together more than 40 businesses, sustainable energy industry trade associations, government agencies, and energy policy research organizations to showcase the status and near-term potential of the cross-section of renewable energy – including solar, cogeneration, biofuels/biomass, geothermal, wind, water, and more – as well as energy efficiency technologies.

The morning program will feature members of the U.S. Congress, including:

Also featured on the morning program will be members of the Obama administration, including:

Throughout the day industry experts, including Jornlin, will discuss – in person and via live webcast – the role sustainable energy solutions can play in meeting America’s energy needs. Participants on the exposition floor will help address how renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies are currently providing effective solutions as Congress, the Administration, the business community, environmental advocates, and American voters search for options to address national security issues, higher energy costs, increased reliance on energy imports, and the environmental threats associated with energy consumption.

Beyond the technical aspects of renewable energy and energy-efficiency technologies, the exposition and forum will also cover related issues such as economics, job creation, environmental benefits, current and near-term market potential, model programs in the public and private sectors, as well as institutional, financial, and legal barriers.

The 17th Annual Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Expo + Forum is hosted by the Sustainable Energy Coalition and the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI). Moderators are Scott Sklar, President, The Stella Group, Ltd., and Carol Werner, Executive Director, Environmental & Energy Study Institute (EESI).

The House Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucus and the Senate Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucus are honorary co-hosts of the Expo. The Expo is being held in partnership with the House Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC), the Higher Performance Buildings Caucus, the Energy Savings Performance Contracts Caucus, and the Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Caucus.

The Expo and Forum are free, open-to-the-public, and advance registration is not required

About Empower Energies

Empower Energies, Inc., with offices in Frederick, Maryland and Troy, Michigan, is a clean energy portfolio solutions provider focused on applying the right mix of solar, cogeneration, and energy optimization solutions – with financing – to meet the business and sustainability objectives of municipalities, universities, schools, and hospitals, as well as multi-facility industrial and commercial organizations, such as General Motors, both in the United States and internationally. More information about Empower Energies can be found at http://www.empowerenergies.com.


Contact Information:

Mr. Michael Wright
Vice President, Strategic Marketing
50 Citizen’s Way, Suite 403
Frederick, MD 21701 USA
Office: 248 852-1300 x2160
Email: michael.wright@empowerenergies.com

Mr. Michael Wright
Vice President, Strategic Marketing
50 Citizen’s Way, Suite 403
Frederick, MD 21701 USA
Office: 248 852-1300 x2160
Email: michael.wright@empowerenergies.com

About Empower Energies

Empower Energies, Inc., with offices in Frederick, Maryland and Troy, Michigan, is a clean energy portfolio solutions provider focused on applying the right mix of solar, cogeneration, and energy optimization solutions – with financing – to meet the business and sustainability objectives of municipalities, universities, schools, and hospitals, as well as multi-facility industrial and commercial organizations, such as General Motors, both in the United States and internationally. More information about Empower Energies can be found at http://www.empowerenergies.com.




Quick facts

17th Annual Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Expo + Forum on Capitol Hill (July 31, 2014) SPEAKERS Please note that the speaker schedule is subject to change. Main Expo Room - Cannon Caucus Room 345 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM Administration speakers: Edward Thomas Morehouse, Jr, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Operational Energy Plans and Programs Richard Kidd, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Energy & Sustainability) Rear Admiral Kevin R. Slates, Director of Energy and Environmental Readiness Division, U.S. Navy. Dr. David T. Danielson, Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy Rear Admiral Steven G. Smith (RET), Director of the Office of Disaster Planning & Risk Management, U.S. Small Business Administration 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Members of Congress: Rep. David G. Reichert, R-WA (Co-chair of the House Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucus) Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-MD (Co-chair of the House Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucus) Rep. Jim Himes, D-CT Rep. Paul Tonko, D-NY Policy Forum - Cannon Room 334 9:30 AM - 10:10 AM PANEL 1: OVERVIEW – POLICY ISSUES (ROOM 334) Scott Sklar, President, The Stella Group, Ltd.; Adjunct Professor, George Washington University Zoe Berkery, Manager (Federal Policy), Business Council for Sustainable Energy BCSE's Sustainable Energy in America Factbook Lena Moffitt, Manager (Federal Policy, Climate and Energy), National Wildlife Federation The carbon pollution standard and the opportunity it presents for clean technology. Tom Carlson, Government Affairs and Policy Associate, Advanced Energy Economy Innovative State Policy Advancing Our Energy System How states have been leading the way with policies that advance our energy system and where we could go from here within the context of EPA's new carbon regulations for the power sector. 10:15 AM - 10:35 AM PANEL 2: DEFENSE (ROOM 334) Richard Kidd, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Energy & Sustainability) Captain James C. Goudreau, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Energy) 12:25 PM - 1:15 PM PANEL 3: FUEL CELLS - GEOTHERMAL - SOLAR - ENERGY FROM WASTE (ROOM 334) Karl Gawell, Executive Director, Geothermal Energy Association The Geothermal Industry in 2014 A review of the industry’s status in 2014 and of the growth trends in the U.S. and international geothermal markets. Bud DeFlavis, Director of Government Affairs, Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Association The fuel-cell industry Dave Buemi, Vice President-Federal Markets, M+W Group The economic benefits and job creation associated with commercial- and utility-scale solar projects. LaToya Glenn, Renewable Energy Business Manager, Waste Management WM Recovering Energy Value from the Materials We Manage. David Biderman, VP of Advocacy, National Waste & Recycling Association Waste-based energy (energy from landfill gas collection and waste-to-energy facilities) currently generates enough power in the U.S. to power about 3 million homes. 1:20 PM - 2:00 PM PANEL 4: HYDROPOWER AND WATER TECHNOLOGIES (ROOM 334) Matthew Nocella, Manager of Strategic Communications, National Hydropower Association Hydropower’s Role in Our Clean Energy Future Hydropower has tremendous opportunity to grow its role in the nation’s energy portfolio through various technologies, including conventional, new marine, and pumped storage applications. Jacob Irving, President, Canadian Hydropower Association Bill Libro, Director of Federal Affairs, Minnesota Power A Case Study for International Cooperation on Hydropower: Minnesota Power Canadian companies are teaming up with their U.S. counterparts to help enable the development of renewable energy in the United States. Minnesota Power, for instance, is working with Canadian companies to develop renewables on both sides of the border. Thomas Horner, Vice President, Water Management, Inc. One Water Water, sewere, stormwater, and the water/energy nexus Jason Busch, Boardmember, Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition; Executive Director, Oregon Wave Energy Trust. Marine Renewable Energy: A New Addition to the Mix The Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition is a national trade group that is leading the U.S. effort to develop the burgeoning forms of renewable energy derived from the waves, tides, and currents of our oceans and rivers. These sources are clean, reliable and perpetual, and can provide a significant new source of power both in the United State and around the world. This new industry will also provide a tremendous new opportunity for economic development around manufacturing and the marine supply chain. 2:05 PM - 2:35 PM PANEL 5: BIOENERGY (ROOM 334) Tim Rials, Director, Southeastern Partnership for Integrated Biomass Supply Systems Deploying an Advanced Biofuels Industry in the Southeast Funded by USDA-NIFA, The Southeastern Partnership for Integrated Biomass Supply Systems (IBSS) is developing today’s forest resources for near-term progress while advancing energy crop supply systems optimized for infrastructure-compatible fuels production. Terry Nipp, Executive Director, Sun Grant Initiative This presentation will showcase a collaborative effort by land grant universities to support research and education projects on bioenergy and biobased products. With support from USDA, DOE and DOT, we have implemented over $70 million in research projects over the past 6-7 years, with more than 200 projects with collaborating scientists in over 90% of the states. Morgan Pitts, Public Relations & Communications Manager, Enviva Wood pellets and other processed woody biomass fuels can power generation and industrial customers seeking to decrease their dependence on fossil fuels and reduce their carbon footprint. 2:40 PM - 3:20 PM PANEL 6: BEHIND THE SCENES: FINANCE, GRID, AND STORAGE ISSUES (ROOM 334) Fran Teplitz, Policy Director, Green America; Board Co-Chair, American Sustainable Business Council Action Fund Clean Energy Victory Bonds Katherine Hamilton, Policy Director, Energy Storage Association Energy Storage: Enabling a Cleaner, More Efficient and Resilient Grid Energy policies that include energy storage will be key to enabling all resources—including renewable energy and energy efficiency--to operate more efficiently and effectively on the grid. This presentation will describe those legislative policy initiatives and their importance to the grid of the future in a carbon-constrained world. Diana Rivera, Director of Market Development and Regulatory Affairs, Clean Line Energy Delivering low-cost renewable energy to market Clean Line is developing long-haul transmission lines to deliver thousands of megawatts of wind power from the windiest parts of the U.S. to communities and cities that lack access to new, low-cost renewable power. These clean energy infrastructure projects will create thousands of jobs, benefit electricity consumers and reduce carbon emissions by millions of tons per year. Len Jornlin, Chief Executive Officer, Empower Energies A Path to Resiliency The rationale for an integrated, renewable, distributed generation approach as a path to resiliency. How Solar and Combined Heat and Power (CHP) applications can provide energy savings and resiliency now for military, government agency, and private sector organizations, and how to finance those installations. 3:25 PM - 4:15 PM PANEL 7: ENERGY EFFICIENCY (ROOM 334) Bruce Quinn, Vice President, Government Affairs for Rockwell Automation; Industrial Energy Efficiency Coalition The Opportunity of Industrial Energy Efficiency Often overlooked in the policy arena, the energy savings opportunity in the manufacturing and industrial sector is massive, as industry accounts for one-third of U.S. energy use, and there are technologies available today making industrial processes far more energy efficient. John Pouland, Vice-President (Government Affairs and Solutions), Philips Lighting The Importance of Energy Efficiency in the Private and Public Space John will focus on the rapid development of LED technologies and the economic and environmental impacts this technology has for consumers and the Government (particularly the military) alike. Gregory B Johnson, President, Blue Penguin Corporation Blue Penguin tracks and reduces companies' energy use. Using a suite of hardware and proprietary software, Blue Penguin can see where waste is and eliminate it. Tom Herron, Senior Manager (Communications and Marketing), National Fenestration Rating Council The National Fenestration Rating Council provides accurate information to measure and compare energy performance of windows, doors and skylights. Harrison Godfrey, Manager (National Policy & Partnerships), Opower Opower: Unlocking Efficiency through Behavior & Information Behavioral Energy Efficiency, as pioneered by Opower, has the potential to save the United States almost 19,000 GWhs of energy each year, or roughly $2.1 billion in energy expenditures. This presentation talks about just what Behavioral Energy Efficiency is, where it's already at work today, and how government policy can unleash this potential.
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