Finnair changes traffic reporting practices

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Finnair Plc             Stock Exchange Release     7 November  2014    at 08:58  EET

Finnair is changing traffic reporting practices from the beginning of the winter season and will discontinue reporting leisure traffic as a separate traffic area. In practice, the change will come into effect in the October 2014 traffic release.

With this change, Finnair’s traffic reporting follows international reporting practices. The change also reflects changes in business model, in which flights previously operated as leisure flights are changed into scheduled services. Transition already begun in 2013 and will continue during the winter season 2014/2015. The change applies to leisure flights that are merged into geographical regions instead of being reported as a separate traffic area. As a result, the reporting will be divided to passenger operations and freight operations and scheduled traffic will no longer be a separate traffic category.

Effect of the change is reflected in all geographic areas, but the impact is greatest in European traffic. Finnair's traffic figures for 2013 have been restated to reflect the new reporting practice, and they are presented in the attached document.

The following traffic areas are reported after this change:

  • Total traffic
  • Asia
  • Europe
  • North Atlantic
  • Domestic and
  • Cargo traffic

New practice is in line with the common traffic reporting practices in the airline industry.

Further information:
Finnair communications, tel. +358 9 818 4020, comms(a)

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