Share split in Holmen

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At today’s Annual General Meeting of Holmen AB (publ), a share split was resolved upon meaning that each share, regardless of share series, will be split into two (2) shares of the same series.

The record date for the share split was, in accordance with the Board’s proposal, determined to 2 May 2018.

Last day of trading in the Holmen shares prior to the split is 27 April 2018. First day of trading in the Holmen shares after the split is 30 April 2018. This means that the share price as from and including 30 April 2018 will reflect the effect of the split.

The share split will result in an increase of shares in the company from 84,756,162 to 169,512,324 of which 45,246,468 shares of series A and 124,265,856 shares of series B.

As a result of the split, the shares in Holmen will as from and including 30 April 2018 change ISIN codes. The new ISIN code for the series A share is SE0011090000 and the new ISIN code for the series B share is SE0011090018.

The split of the company’s shares will be effected automatically via Euroclear Sweden AB and shareholders do not need to take any action.

For further information, please contact:
Stina Sandell, Director of Sustainability and Communications, Holmen, tel. +46 739 86 51 12 

Holmen’s strategy is to own forest and energy assets and to develop industrial operations in paperboard, paper and wood products. In 2017 Holmen’s net sales were SEK 16.1 billion and the group has approx. 3 000 employees. Holmen’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap. For more information, visit


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