

It is great to be recognized as an innovative new service at the forefront of helping the growing number of Americans in today’s economy that are falling into the credit gap, unable to borrow from their bank and not adequately served by existing non-bank products in the marketplace
Stephanie Klein, head of consumer lending at NetCredit
NetCredit is designed as a solution for the millions of Americans who are turned down by their banks, but need access to credit to pay for unexpected expenses, such as medical costs, car repairs or home improvements
Stephanie Klein, head of consumer lending at NetCredit
NetCredit is designed as a solution for the millions of Americans who are turned down by their banks, but need access to credit to pay for unexpected expenses such as, medical costs, car repairs or home improvements
Stephanie Klein, director of Consumer Lending at NetCredit
NetCredit is designed as a solution for the millions of Americans who are turned down by their banks, but need access to credit to pay for unexpected expenses such as, medical costs, car repairs or home improvements
Stephanie Klein, Director, Consumer Lending at NetCredit
There is a growing number of Americans in today’s economy who are falling into the credit gap, unable to borrow from their bank and not adequately served by existing non-bank products in the marketplace
Stephanie Klein, Director, Consumer Lending at NetCredit
Living paycheck to paycheck puts many Americans dangerously close to their own personal fiscal cliff should they be hit with an emergency expense
Stephanie Klein, head of consumer lending at NetCredit
An unexpected medical bill, car repair or higher than usual utility bill can easily push them beyond their ability to pay bills on time.
Stephanie Klein, head of consumer lending at NetCredit
The survey findings illustrate that managing day-to-day personal finances is a struggle for many Americans in today’s economy
Stephanie Klein, head of consumer lending for online personal loan provider, NetCredit
There is a growing number of Americans in today’s economy who are falling into the credit gap, unable to borrow from their bank and not adequately served by existing non-bank products in the marketplace
Stephanie Klein, head of consumer lending at NetCredit
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