
About Us

Prevas has delivered profitable solutions for the future for over 20 years. At Prevas, we see the establishment of long-term relationships with customers and deep insight into our customers' operations as the basic requirements to being able to create customer benefits.


  • Prevas
    Klockartorpsgatan 14 723 44 VÄSTERÅS
    +46(0)21-19 05 00
    +46(0)21-18 12 00
  • Quotes

    Design-People will be a perfect addition to our existing business. With their expertise in industrial and digital product design, they further strengthen our offer in product development and make us an even stronger partner.
    Henrik Møller, President, Prevas Denmark
    It feels really good to acquire a company where we together utilize our advanced skills. It’s naturally a big advantage that we have already collaborated in several projects over the years and thus are well aware of each other’s strengths.
    Søren W. Mathiasen, Vice President Sales & Marketing, Prevas Denmark
    We have had a long and close collaboration with Prevas, where orderliness has always been essential. We see our partnership with Prevas as something unique. This partnership is something that gives substance to make Design-People grow, where we can focus on sustainability, design, and product development. It's an exciting journey we're embarking on together, now establishing ourselves widely with offices in Copenhagen, Aarhus and Aalborg.
    Henrik Mathiassen, CEO and Founder of Design-People
    Together, Enmac and Prevas offer premium services throughout the Nordic region. I am truly looking forward to now welcoming Enmac and all its employees into the Prevas family.
    Magnus Welén, CEO of Prevas AB
    The merger with Prevas is optimal for Enmac and opens up opportunities for growth and a larger presence in the Nordic region.
    Juha Ritala, CEO of Enmac
    Our Finnish colleagues bring expert knowledge in advanced process and production development and have an impressive customer list. Enmac's culture is very similar to Prevas and reflects an open atmosphere with team players working in a decentralized, business-driven, and high-tech organization. When I enter Enmac's office, it feels like coming home!
    Magnus Welén, CEO Prevas AB
    Finland and Sweden have strong standings within industry and technology. Enmac is an excellent complement to Prevas' operations, and we see significant mutual market synergies in jointly offering premium services throughout the Nordic region. We look forward to welcoming both the company and all its employees into the Prevas family.
    Magnus Welén, CEO of Prevas
    The combination with Prevas is perfect for Enmac and opens up for accelerated growth as well as a broader Nordic presence. Prevas will strengthen Enmac's offering in areas such as industrial IT, embedded systems and Internet of Things. It will also provide exciting new development opportunities for our employees.
    Juha Ritala, CEO of Enmac.
    IT serves as the backbone and the foundation supporting the core business continuity and success of our site. In my view, the most crucial aspect to date was the successful migration of the Manufacturing Execution System. This system is vital to our site's operations, and its flawless execution marked a significant milestone, success for our team and for the business.
    Christopher Mamo, Digital IT Site Leader at McNeil AB pharmaceutical factory in Helsingborg
    We have had a strong focus on guaranteeing security and traceability for production. Our specialists have relocated and established new groups for the use of Kenvue's IT systems and applications, involving significant detective work. The work also required active participation in dialogues with the business and demanded a deep understanding of the operational needs.
    Lise-Lotte Thuse, project leader at Prevas
    We are delighted by this demonstration of trust from Uddeholm. It's an assignment that is of great importance for us, but also for the region and for the Swedish export industry in which Uddeholm is an important player.
    Johan Lindqvist, Consultant Manager at Prevas
    We use modern system development libraries and standardized building blocks from the software industry, while building and coding unique business logic that is adapted to Uddeholm's processes. To ensure a robust and efficient solution, we've also integrated components, architecture and concepts from other successful systems.
    Johan Lindqvist, Consultant Manager at Prevas
    To effectively manage the assignment for Uddeholm, we have mustered our strength and organized two geographically distributed project teams — one in Karlstad and one in Malmö. This enables the efficient use of resources and skills as well as smooth coordination between project teams to achieve the best possible results. We’ll deliver a solution that not only meets Uddeholm's needs as they are today, but also prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of the future.
    Johan Lindqvist, Consultant Manager at Prevas
    Once again Prevas reports a strong quarter in a market that presents both challenges and opportunities. During the quarter we intensified our market proximity and navigated the changing demands by growing with customers in the growth segments.
    Magnus Welén, President & CEO, Prevas AB
    We have many water and wastewater facilities, many of which are of an older vintage, and until now we've had also several different ways of managing the maintenance processes. Given the increasing need for maintenance, we believe that it's high time to move from the current lists and calendar system to a more coherent, robust and efficient solution.
    Veronica Adrian, who heads the water and wastewater department for the Municipality of Karlstad
    By offering easily accessible and relevant data, both users and decision-makers can act proactively, instead of spending unnecessary time and effort searching for information. HxGN EAM gives the municipality's management and employees the tools to implement measures and make decisions that benefit the organization in the long term.
    Ylva Amrén, business region manager at Prevas. Region West
    We're very happy to have DVel joining us at Prevas. DVel is a premium company with a very high level of knowledge and expertise in test and measurement technology. Their consultants are highly experienced and more than a third of them have a PhD in physics. Together we are broadening our offering in product development, where the mix of technical excellence, innovation and the ability to develop complex solutions is an attractive combination – both for clients and staff. The merger with DVel also gives us much-needed growth in the region with a strong foothold in Lund.
    Roland Ferngård, regional manager at Prevas
    DVel has always had very satisfied clients thanks to our extremely competent staff. Together with Prevas, we see that we can deliver that expertise to more clients in more segments and regions, in addition to what Prevas already provides. Prevas' organization and values are a very good fit for us and we see this as a great opportunity to continue growing. With the decentralized coverage Prevas gives us, we can take advantage of the benefits of a small, agile company, while reaching a much larger market.
    Riki Virc, CEO of DVel
    We have a long-term plan to build up structural capital that will create value for our clients and generate interesting assignments for our staff. We're also focusing on establishing new nodes in our network, through acquisitions and new initiatives. It’s therefore particularly gratifying to be able to welcome DVel to Prevas.
    Magnus Welén, CEO at Prevas
    Hexagon Ragasco only produces to order and for customers all over the world, and are often faced with short deadlines. This gives them a significant competitive advantage in the industry. Their advanced production line can produce one gas container every 10.5 seconds. Uptime at the factory is absolutely critical for our ability to deliver and consequently, the small maintenance windows we have must be fully utilized.
    Atle Rørhus, who is one of those behind the company's fully automated operations
    In the past, we often had to implement express deliveries with all the associated costs when critical parts were not available in stock. We now work much more efficiently and have full confidence that we will always have the parts we need. For the person on the next shift who continues with a job, everything is clear and easy so that downtime is minimized.
    Emil Nordsetmoen, system manager for HxGN EAM at Hexagon Ragasco, who has worked on development of the integration together with Prevas
    Previously, it was up to us to keep up with developments in technology, functionality and safety. We're now moving maintenance to a modern platform where we use standardized functions instead of developing our own.
    Jonas Lindberg, IT manager at Göteborgs Spårvägar
    Prevas is always at the forefront of technological development, but at the same time they have a solid understanding of our operations and which functions are appropriate to introduce. As a partner, they have also persevered through a technically complex implementation that has challenged our company culture and traditional ways of working. It's a joint effort that has produced very good results.
    Jonas Lindberg, IT manager at Göteborgs Spårvägar
    With large parts of the company now using HxGN EAM, we at Prevas feel that the various operations have come closer together and that collaboration between departments has increased. We feel very much a part of that journey and of the team. The system has brought together Göteborgs Spårvägar's various operations by sharing the solution and thus gradually adapting their operational processes to each other, which facilitates future development, management and support of both work processes and system support. We are seeing closer collaboration within the organization as previously unconnected silos now share a common solution.
    Ylva Amrén, regional manager at Prevas and key account manager for Göteborgs Spårvägar
    Collaboration with Prevas has gone really well. I think it is the combination of technical and social skills that has been crucial for us in being able to work as colleagues and carry out the project together. “We also received good documentation and regular updates, which gave us confidence in the process.
    Fredrik Järnberg, site manager at Hydroscand OEM in Örebro
    Putting it all together has been an interesting and fun challenge. We had to do some detective work in the beginning to learn how the existing PC-based system worked and to be able to make the right analysis of how to control production. The new system is similar to the old, but together with Hydroscand we have enhanced both functions and interfaces. The transition to networked communications has enabled us to reduce the number of stops and faults in production.
    Martin Östberg, project manager at Prevas
    The major advantage of eLIPS is its scalability and that the system is built from the ground up to adapt functions based on the needs of the organizations. The solution can also be used with existing legacy equipment and technology, making our solution cost-effective.
    Martin Friberg, senior software developer at Prevas and system manager for eLIPS
    The functionality is the most important thing, that eLIPS can be adapted to our existing equipment, the size of the factory and the needs of our users. We were aware of eLIPS and had good experiences from previous collaborative projects with Prevas, and everything has gone well this time too.
    Stefan Svanholm from Meritor
    We welcome our new colleagues and are delighted with the merger. Within Prevas, Unibap's industrial business will become part of our core business and together we will continue to drive advances in AI and help to shape the smart industries of the future.
    Magnus Welén CEO of Prevas
    It is important to us that we work with interesting and innovative technologies, in our projects and together with our customers. This acquisition is therefore fully in line with our strategy as we acquire customers and a modern technology platform that further strengthens our expertise in AI and Vision.
    Hans-Erik Wikman Prevas Regional Manager, Stockholm
    In the beginning, to get started and use the system, the challenge for Scatec was that they needed to collect large amounts of data from the various plants, and the information collected needed to have a suitable level and structure.
    Bjørn Moland, project manager for the implementation and Product manager for HxGN EAM at Prevas
    Prevas has been a reliable and trustworthy partner from the start. If challenges or problems arise, we know that we will always get help to solve them.
    Heiko Birkholz, who led Scatec’s part of the implementation of HxGN EAM
    Unibap is at a very exciting stage in terms of our aerospace services, which requires our complete focus on that market. We're therefore really happy that together with Prevas, we can move forward in talks about our industrial operations. We're very positive to Prevas’ capabilities to manage and continue developing operations.
    Unibap CEO Johan Åman
    We see a nice opportunity to complement our strong services in advanced vision solutions by adding Unibap's expertise in AI and vision technology. Unibap's industrial operations become part of our core operations at Prevas. We see great potential in future joint growth in advanced vision systems based on AI and machine learning for our demanding and world-leading industrial customers.
    Prevas CEO Magnus Welén CEO
    We already know each other well, and I'm looking forward to working together in the further development of our strong range of services in Life Science. With these services, we help companies to comply with rules and regulatory requirements and to develop innovative solutions for quickly getting their products to market.
    Robert Tönhardt, head of life science operations at Prevas
    We're looking forward to becoming a part of Prevas’ strong presence in Life Science and medtech in particular. Together we can build on our existing services and contribute with our knowledge and networks regarding combination products and pharmaceutical-related products.
    Anna-Karin Alm, who has been CEO at SDS MedteQ until now and follows over to Prevas
    The requests we receive from our customers clearly indicate that we have the right strategic level of services. Together with Prevas, we’ll be able strengthen our expertise in solving our customers' challenges.
    Johan Sköld, consultant manager at SDS Medteq and follows over to Prevas
    I’m very pleased to present Magnus as our new CEO here at Prevas and looking forward to working together with him. He has both the expertise and the commitment to continue developing Prevas along our chosen path.”
    Christer Parkegren, board chairman for Prevas
    Johan has played a key role at Prevas and is a big part of the success we've attained in recent years, I'm very grateful for what Johan has accomplished and the excellent cooperation we've enjoyed. Cooperation that we want to continue under different forms. The nomination committee will be deciding whether to propose Johan as a board member at the annual general meeting on May 11, 2023.
    Christer Parkegren, board chairman for Prevas
    It's been a fantastic and stimulating journey over the past five years, together with dedicated and driven colleagues. If the annual general meeting so approves, it would be an honor to participate and contribute to Prevas' continued journey as a member of the board. Internal succession feels absolutely right, with Magnus able to take over and guide Prevas to new heights.
    says outgoing CEO Johan Strid
    I'm really looking forward to continuing to develop Prevas, together with our staff and in line with our successful strategy. I'm passionate about the cornerstones of our robust strategy, such as decentralization and focusing on increased value for all stakeholders.
    Magnus Welén, incoming CEO of Prevas
    The year has started well and the work to develop us and our business continues. We co-create technological advancement for the betterment of all; people, planet and profit. 
    Johan Strid, CEO for Prevas AB
    Our ambition is to be perceived as a premium company for all our stakeholders. Given that ambition, our positive view of the future and how we have performed in recent years, it is reasonable to raise the targets going forward.
    Johan Strid, CEO for Prevas AB
    What I particularly appreciated early on during the initial discussions with Prevas was their approach of first establishing what problems needed to be solved, rather than jumping straight to solutions.
    Peter Drennan, the project manager at Nipro, a Japanese company that manufactures medical equipment.
    We expected talented designers, which we got, but we also got a strategic plan that we now use to ensure that we choose the right solutions within the new design concept.
    Peter Drennan, the project manager at Nipro, a Japanese company that manufactures medical equipment.
    Oda is very much a technology and logistics company focusing on efficiency and smart solutions at all levels. We build facilities and a value chain that make us an international leader in terms of efficiency and quality, and to ensure that our facilities deliver the best possible performance, it is also important to have a modern EAM solution that is scalable and guarantees that we do the right things every time. After exploring the market, we opted for IFS Ultimo EAM, supported by its Nordic partner Prevas, which can help us get optimum use out of the solution.
    Jan Øyvind Lyche at Oda
    Oda is the second customer in Norway that has chosen IFS Ultimo EAM through Prevas in a short space of time. We can see that this is a solution which will suit many businesses, and that with several systems in the portfolio, we can offer different options according to companies' requirements, organization, and ambition. Our goal is for customers to get the maximum possible benefit from the solution they choose, and we therefore often challenge them on why they are investing in a solution and what they want to achieve, so that we can design together a solution ensuring their success. We are proud that Oda has chosen us as its partner on this journey ahead and look forward to continuing to challenge them.
    Einar Alexander Andersen, President of Prevas Norway
    Prevas is already a recognized partner and supplier of maintenance systems and asset management in the Nordic market. Our recently announced partnership with IFS Ultimo EAM enables us to offer even more customers attractive, cost-effective solutions for proactive and predictive maintenance, making it a valuable addition to our solution portfolio. We’re grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with Arba One and look forward to accompanying them on their journey.
    Einar Alexander Andersen, President of Prevas Norway
    Our technology produces a harder, water-resistant, and more energy-rich pellet type than conventional wood pellets. For instance, black pellets will be able to replace coal in coal-fired power plants, thus making an important contribution to the green transition. We are experiencing high market demand and have plans to build more plants in the future. We therefore considered it important to find a cost-effective EAM solution that was scalable and felt modern and intuitive. At the same time, we have an experienced EAM partner in Prevas, which can help us develop over time. A factor that weighed heavily in the choice we made.
    Håvard Knappskog, solution architect at Arbaflame, and Stian Johnsen, maintenance manager at Arba One
    Being involved in developing the fossil-free steel manufacturing of the future is important and feels very stimulating. We are seeing increased interest from our customers in upgrading their fossil fuel-fired furnaces to fossil-free alternatives. This is an area where we see that Prevas can help.
    Per Åhman, Senior Expert, Furnace Control
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