The 2015 Weatherwise Photo Contest

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The results of the highly anticipated 2015 Weatherwise Photo Contest have finally been released in a recently published issue of the magazine. This article, titled “The 2015 Photo Contest,” announces one grand prize, one first prize, two second prize, and three third prize winners, along with one honorable mention. The winning weather photos are also displayed in the article, along with a description of the location and weather event.

Weatherwise, a bi-monthly magazine, covers all aspects of weather and climate; ranging from meteorology and climatology, to the relation of weather to technology, history, culture, art, and society. The Photo Contest is one of the most popular annual features of the magazine.

The judges of the 2015 photo contest include Bob Ryan, a research and broadcast meteorologist, Doyle Rice, a USA TODAY weather editor and reporter, and Stanley David Gendzelman, a retired Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the City College of New York. All winners receive a year-long subscription to the magazine.

The deadline for the 2016 Photo Contest will be June 1st, 2016.


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