Cloning = Cruelty

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Good morning

With all the input Compassion in World Farming have had with media interest in the latest cloning story (again on the front page of the Daily Mail) I thought you would appreciate our latest press release.

Best wishes


4th August 2010

Cloning = Cruelty

Cloning = Cruelty is Compassion in World Farming’s campaign that empowers and educates concerned consumers to take a stand against cloning animals for food.

Compassion calls on the UK Prime Minister David Cameron MP to ensure this inhumane practice doesn’t become mainstream or get into our food chain.

The Food Standards Agency admission that beef from the offspring of a cloned animal has entered the food chain is disturbing to Compassion.

The evidence against cloning animals for food on animal welfare grounds is strong; Peter Stevenson Chief Policy Advisor at Compassion says “cloning is at the sharp end of the inhumane selective breeding processes that are often involved in the intensive production of meat and dairy products. Many animals suffer in the pursuit of higher yields because they are being stretched to the limits of their physical capacity.”

To support Compassion’s campaign to press the UK Prime Minister, David Cameron MP to call for an EU-wide ban on the cloning of animals for food, go to


Notes to Editors

For further information or to arrange interviews contact on Caroline Burkie

+44 (0)1483 521952 or +44 (0)7771 926005 (out of office hours) or email

Compassion’s campaign ‘Cloning = Cruelty’ ( highlights the intrinsic animal welfare issues of selective breeding in animals for food – i.e. meat and dairy.  It gives the concerned consumer a place to register their opposition to the cruel practices involved in cloning practices. 

Supporters can send an e letter to David Cameron agreeing that meat and dairy from cloned offspring should not enter our food chain.

Read more: 

Download our free factsheets and reports on genetic engineering and cloning
