2cureX continues to update its frequently asked Question page on www.2curex.com
2cureX AB (“2cureX”) announced today that as part of its constructive and active dialogue with its stakeholders that the 2cureX Q&A section on the website has been updated: https://www.2curex.com/investors/questions-and-answers/
Certified Adviser
Sedermera Fondkommission is the Certified Adviser of 2cureX.
For more information about 2cureX:
Ole Thastrup, CEO;
E-mail: ot@2cureX.com
Phone: +45 22 11 53 99;
URL: www.2curex.com
About 2cureX
2cureX has developed a test called IndiTreat® (Individual Treatment Design), which is a patented method for selecting the right drug for the right patient. IndiTreat® establishes thousands of 3D micro-tumors that are functionally similar to the patient’s tumor. From a large panel of approved cancer treatments IndiTreat® selects the best treatment for the individual patient. IndiTreat® is expected to become a standard tool in the treatment design for cancer patients.
IndiTreat® is currently being clinically validated in colorectal and ovarian cancer.
The company is listed at the Nasdaq First North stock exchange in Stockholm (symbol “2CUREX”).