3 Step IT’s new service manages companies’ tablets and smartphones

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Corporate IT acquisitions are becoming consumerised

December 14, 2011 – New mobile devices, tablets, and smartphones have rapidly gained popularity among consumers. More and more companies have become aware of the phenomenon that workers have begun to use their own tablets and smartphones at work, or demand them from the employer. This so-called IT consumerisation challenges the established management practices for mobile devices used at work, and also the operational procedures of IT departments. The arrival of social-media functionalities in enterprise IT systems has led to employees wanting the best suited devices for using social media.

“The use of tablets and smartphones in companies has exploded this autumn. We can see this directly in the increased numbers of queries and requests for quotations. Consumerisation has partly taken companies by surprise and they are now frantically searching for a solution to its management,” says Chief Operating Officer Keijo Vikkula from 3 Step IT.

Organisations usually have defined processes for the management of computers, but it is not uncommon that tablets and smartphones are managed by others than IT departments, or that there fails to be a consistent, systematic management model for their entire lifecycles. This is particularly challenging in problem situations, such as the breakage or loss of a device. Another challenge for current management models is that the lifecycles of tablets and smartphones (15–18 months) are shorter than that of computers (36 months). Companies operating internationally should note that in Asia, for example, the lifecycle of tablets and smartphones can be just nine months.

3 Step IT is introducing a new management service for tablets and smartphones, which helps to better reap the benefits for both employers and employees. The employer is able to respond to the challenge of consumerisation, and the employees can acquire their new devices flexibly, just when their desired models enter the market. 3 Step IT’s service covers Apple, HTC, Nokia, and Samsung devices; and the included operating systems are Android, Apple iOS, and Windows.

“New mobile devices are further revolutionising the ways of doing work, and the expectations of employees towards IT devices offered by their employers are changing accordingly, as new, usable devices enter the market,” Vikkula continues. “For IT departments, this means new kinds of challenges with respect to data security and protection levels, among other things; and also leads to uncertainty about the composition of applications and the compatibility of software. In addition, the need for user support is completely individual, depending on the user’s repertoire of devices. 3 Step IT’s management model combines the freedom of choice with standardised operational procedures.”

3 Step IT’s full service includes flexible model for device acquisition and financing, services for management during use, and device replacement after the leasing period. At the end of lease period the devices undergo the appropriate data security processes, after which they are sold on for reuse.

For more information:
Keijo Vikkula, Chief Operating Officer, 3 Step IT Group Oy
Phone: 358 40 562 5015,
E-mail: keijo.vikkula(at)3stepit.com

3 Step IT Group Oy
3 Step IT is an IT services company offering customers a new way to acquire IT equipment. Our comprehensive service offering helps customers to manage financing, use and replacement of IT equipment in a transparent, cost-effective and sustainable way. We are an international growth company with revenue of 302 million Euros in 2010. We have offices in 14 countries worldwide and we employ 220 people. Our headquarters is located in Finland. More about us: www.3stepit.com
