Hospice chief exec to brave the shave - but there's a wicked twist!

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The more money raised the closer the crop as boss and colleague agree to go lockless

THE chief executive of a hospice is set to take a pair of clippers to her perfectly coiffured hair do - and how low she goes will depend on how much money is raised.

Val Stangoe, CEO of St Mary’s Hospice in Cumbria will be joined by staff nurse Nikki Fisher in a bid to raise funds during the Covid-19 crisis.

St Mary’s Hospice is front line in the battle to protect the NHS during the Coronavirus pandemic by easing pressure on its local hospital, Furness General.

The hospice is admitting patients to the in-patient unit as well as by extending their hospice at home service to care for more patients, including those suspected of having Covid-19.

St Mary’s is also supporting patients and their families through its Living Well and Family and Bereavement Support Services.

Even though people are physically isolated, the hospice team are able to work online and by telephone to offer care and vital support. However, at a time when the hospice’s care is in the highest demand, its fundraising abilities are seriously impeded.

Like many charities across the UK, social distancing has had a huge impact on the fundraising efforts of St Mary’s through the cancellation and postponement of events and the interruption to normal working life.

While the hospice is fortunate to be held dearly in the hearts of the community it serves, and has received lots of offers of both financial
support and donations of PPE, there will be an inevitable loss in its income during this time.

So the two members of staff have taken matters in to their own hands to try and not only raise some money but also to bring a smile to people’s faces.

CEO Val Stangoe says: “So many people have suffered the impact of Covid 19, social distancing, social isolation and financial cut backs – it feels as though there isn’t a lot of joy around at the moment.

"This head shave might only raise your mood for a moment or two, but we reckon it’s worth it – and we’re giving people control of how close a shave we will have! At a time when our incredible community is coming together more than ever, we want them to know we are here with them too.”

Nurse Nikki adds: ”I’m always willing to take part in challenges to raise money for the hospice, especially as I’m privileged to see first-hand the difference our care makes to local patients and their families. And it’s only hair – it will grow back!”

The more money that is raised, the closer the shave. If £250 is raised the clippers will be set to number five - But it will be a number one if the fundraising hits £2,000 – enough money to allow the hospice’s Family and Bereavement team to support 20 people who may have lost a loved one. 

Full details can be found on the daring duo’s JustGiving page – www.justgiving.com/valandnikki

Brave the Shave will take place towards the end of w/c 4 th May

Please contact clare.paling@stmaryshospice.org.uk if you have any questions.

