Interim Report January - September 2002

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Interim Report January - September 2002 * Profit after full tax amounted to SEK 504 m. (2,002), which corresponds to SEK 8.11 (31.57) per share. Profit for the first nine months of 2001 included an extraordinary dividend of SEK 1,307 m. from Holmen and a positive tax amount of SEK 67 m. * On September 30, 2002, net asset value per share amounted to SEK 235 (Dec 31, 2001: 247) and SEK 212 (Dec 31, 2001: 220) after deferred tax. The corresponding values on November 12, 2002 were SEK 252 and SEK 225, respectively. * Substantial investment in Industrivärden shares. L E Lundbergföretagen AB (publ) Phone: +46-8-463 06 00 or +46-11-21 65 00 Fax: +46-8-611 66 09 or +46-11- 21 65 65 E-mail: Website: Company registration number: 556056-8817 Registered Head Office: Stockholm The accounts are made up in accordance with the Swedish Financial Accounting Standards Council's Recommendations. No accounting principles that have an effect on this report have been changed from the principles that were applied in the last annual report. This interim report has been prepared in accordance with the Swedish Financial Accounting Standards Council's Recommendation RR20 (Interim Reporting). Unless indicated otherwise, the figures presented within parentheses pertain to comparative results for the corresponding period in the preceding year. SALES AND PROFIT The Group's net sales amounted to SEK 1,330 m. (2,743). Profit after financial items amounted to SEK 550 m. (1,935). Profit after full tax was SEK 504 m. (2,002), which corresponds to SEK 8.11 (31.57) per share. Sales and profit for the first nine months of 2001 were affected by an extraordinary dividend of SEK 1,307 m. from Holmen and a positive tax amount of SEK 67 m. Stockholm, November 13, 2002 FREDRIK LUNDBERG President This interim report has not been subject to specific examination by the auditors of L E Lundbergföretagen AB (publ). Forthcoming financial information Interim report January-September 2002, with complete consolidation of subsidiaries and associated companies in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act, Lundbergs´ website November 29, 2002 Year-end report 2002 February 20, 2003 Annual report 2002 March 2003 Annual General Meeting April 3, 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: The full report The full report