Company awards new contract to Somerset photographers who love working with babies and children

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Lifestyle company Hippychick has once again chosen Somerset-based Corbin O’Grady to produce some stunning photography for its latest catalogue. Hippychick, located in Somerset, is a true lifestyle company devoted to discovering and developing innovative and original products that are aimed at parents and children alike. It is therefore essential that the images which show the products in action really encapsulate the lifestyle message that the company wants to convey. Julia Minchin, who created Hippychick, was delighted when she found the husband and wife team that is Corbin O’Grady, based in Taunton. She says, “When I first commissioned Anita and John from Corbin O’Grady in 2008 it was for a lifestyle shoot in Kew Gardens, launching Hippychick’s new range of waterproofs. “They produced some great lifestyle images showing the freedom that our products give to parents and children. I knew then that they totally understood the ethos and lifestyle represented by Hippychick.” Anita recalls her memories of the shoot, “It was a cold and damp November day in Kew Gardens. Armed with five babies and their mothers, as well as several umbrellas, we set off to create visually exciting pictures that focused on the natural love between mother and baby and put the product in there too! Photographing babies is a unique experience; one moment they are crying, asleep or feeding and the next moment beaming away into the camera. “As a photographer you have to be able to set the scene, add the ingredients and see what develops, you have to be quick and unfettered by your equipment and technique, babies are unpredictable and can’t easily be persuaded to stay out in the cold or wet for ‘just one last shot’.” As parents themselves, Anita and John have first hand experience of caring for babies and young children, and know how to keep them amused and when to let them chill out between takes. They understand that smiles and poses can’t be produced to order and that if the model needs a powernap or a quick top-up feed that is all part of the day’s shooting. With their flexibility and over 30 years experience Corbin O’Grady makes lifestyle photography look easy. The models are relaxed and the locations complementary. As Julia Minchin says, “The clothes and products must be the quiet heroes of the photograph, but they should not dominate - Anita and John’s pictures capture the way our products make you feel.” The new Hippychick catalogue will be available at the beginning of April and can be ordered from the website;


