Somerset photographers awarded Somerset College contract for 10th consecutive year

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With the focus on the start of a new decade, not many companies can claim to have kept the same client for ten years, but a business that has bucked that trend is Corbin O’Grady Studio. The Somerset-based photographers have been commissioned by the same client for the last decade and with the announcement of the award of the contract for the 2011/12 Somerset College Higher Education (HE) prospectus, they will continue to do so in 2010. Photographing students in the twenty-first century brings different challenges and requires plenty of enthusiasm and creativity as well as an awareness of the necessary paperwork involved in dealing with young people. Photographer Anita Corbin explains, “Model release forms are now needed for all of the subjects in the photos, and individuals are often named in case studies. This is a relatively new trend and we have noticed that students are far more aware of the impact of photography on society and want to know how their pictures will be used. The College excels at involving the students in the prospectuses and gives the students prints as a thank you and payment for their time.” Corbin O’Grady Studio comprises a husband and wife team, John O’Grady and Anita Corbin, who have produced thousands of images in the last ten years which now form a huge visual resource for Somerset College. As well as featuring in the prospectus, photographs are used throughout the College for marketing, information and publicity. Anita says, “Each year we have to come up with a different style and approach to the photography, to keep the HE prospectus fresh and appealing to their target audience of 18 years plus.” Anita continues, “In this world of media overload, a prospectus must capture the imagination instantly and communicate its message as uniquely as possible to stand out from the crowd. Our pictures reflect our understanding of the college gathered over many years’ experience and many miles walked through the corridors and sports fields.” Gordon Coldwell Interim Head of Marketing commented, “We chose Corbin O’Grady because we recognise the work that John and Anita have done in laying the foundations for the style and format of our prospectus, developing a continuity of brand and raising the quality of the photographic presence of the College in a way that is never dry or stuffy.” Anita says, “One of the benefits of having worked for the College for past decade is being able to see the College evolve through many changes both in personnel and in the development of the buildings and the site. Somerset College has always had a good reputation for the Arts, but now its associated status as part of University of Plymouth presents a whole spectrum of subjects that can be studied to degree level.” Adaptability is a key word where the visual arts are concerned. Corbin O’Grady has also worked on Somerset College’s Further Education prospectus for the last couple of years and adapted its style of photography to suit a younger audience. Anita explains, “The design is quite different from the HE prospectus, and it’s good to be able to shoot images that excite different audiences by using a wide variety of techniques and approaches. The College always researches the success of the prospectus each year with target groups, implementing any suggested changes the following year.” Corbin O’Grady Studio has also worked for a range of other schools and colleges in the South West producing stunning photography and images for the prospectuses and marcoms of Yeovil College, Wellington School, Brymore School and Bridgwater College. Further information: Anita Corbin, Tel: 01823 662329 or mob: 07802 613911 Press information and images from Jane Adkins, Tel 01935 813114 or email: or visit:


