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A South West based training company is gearing up to help employers who will be affected by a change in Health and Safety (HSE) legislation that comes into effect on 1 Oct 2009. Philip Hall, from Southern First Aid Training, explains, “Currently employers are required to carry out a HSE risk assessment. After 1 October employers will have to decide what level of first aid training is required, as in addition to the existing First Aid at Work course the HSE have introduced a new category – Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW). The Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) course run by Southern First Aid Training will equip employees with the necessary knowledge should an injury occur. It is anticipated that lower risk companies with a reasonably small workforce may opt to send employees on this one day programme. Philip explains, “Prompt first aid can save lives and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones.” Southern First Aid Training runs a series of training programmes tailored to fit the needs of each type of business whether it is a major corporate, a family run pub or a Sports Club. As well as the EFAW course, it provides the HSE approved First Aid at Work (FAW) course which has been taken up by local businesses and schools. In addition the company also runs specialist paediatric courses for early year providers such as nurseries, playgroups and childminders. Philip talks enthusiastically about a new series of ‘Open’ courses being held in Yeovil. He says “from October through to December we are running a number of Emergency First Aid at Work and the FAW Requalification courses. These courses are being held at the popular Manor Hotel – a central and convenient location for local businesses”. On offer from Southern First Aid Training is a “hands on” approach that encourages attendees to practise newly learned skills during the course. This is combined with a very flexible approach to training times that can be based around the needs of each business and its working patterns. Philip comments, “We are experienced in running various types of courses. What sets us apart from other providers is our willingness to adapt programmes to suit you and your business, making sure that you are prepared to give prompt first aid if it is required – and giving you the knowledge that may one day save a life.” For further information on the forthcoming changes and how they may affect you and your business, visit our website: or call us for free advice on 01935 389868. Press information: Jane Adkins, A Head for PR Ltd, Tel: 01935 813114 or email:
